4 amazing probiotic benefits you’ve never heard of


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4 amazing probiotic benefits you’ve never heard of


I don’t think I’ll be shocking you today by saying that probiotics help prevent gas, bloating and constipation—that’s a pretty well-known fact at this point.

You probably also know that they support your immune system and can help ease asthma and allergies. 

And if you are a regular reader of mine, I hope you remember that I’ve told you they help with depression, since most of your body’s serotonin is produced in your gut!

Well, there are 4 more amazing health benefits of probiotics that go way beyond your gut that I bet my bottom dollar you’ve never heard of!

Here they are:

Amazing probiotic benefit #1: Better dental health

Research has shown that probiotics can improve periodontitis, which is a gum infection that damages the tissue and bones that support your teeth. 

In addition, studies show that probiotics can even help prevent cavities!

Now, you may be wondering what your mouth has to do with your gut…

Quite a bit, actually.

The beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiome fight not only the dangerous microbes that get into your intestinal tract, but they also protect your entire system from harmful bacteria—including your mouth!

Amazing probiotic benefit #2: Easing arthritis

A 60-day double-blind study of 45 adults with rheumatoid arthritis was conducted where some of the participants supplemented with probiotics (in addition to their pain relievers) and the others were given a placebo.

The probiotic group reported significantly less pain, and also were better able to walk, reach and perform activities of daily living!

This makes sense because rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, and probiotics help support proper immune function.  

Amazing probiotic benefit #3: Preventing diabetes

Several studies have confirmed that probiotics are associated with a lower risk of developing diabetes.

According to a 2014 meta-analysis, probiotics can help improve insulin sensitivity and decrease the inflammatory immune response found in diabetes.

Diabetes is a complex condition that results from many factors, including inadequate digestion and poor pancreatic function.  Since probiotics help support sound digestion and absorption of nutrients, they are a factor in the fight against diabetes.

In addition, colds, flu and infections can send your blood glucose soaring through the roof, and your best protection against sickness is to help support a strong and sharp immune system with probiotic supplementation. 

Amazing probiotic benefit #4: Healthy skin

Probiotics can even help encourage healthier skin!

First of all, skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema stem from inflammatory immune responses, and probiotics help counteract and tame those responses.

Plus many skin problems like rashes, dryness, hives and acne are the result of inflammation due to poor digestion, wastes and toxins in your bloodstream and an unhealthy gut microbiome.

Make sure you’ve got a strong supply!

The benefits of having a healthy gut environment and a well-balanced population of beneficial bacteria continue to grow, so it’s vital to ensure your intestinal tract is pampered and your body has a strong supply of these friendly microbes.

Here are 3 ways to help ensure your gut environment is in tip-top shape:

1- Keep it safe

Avoid things that are harmful to your intestinal flora including:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Unfiltered tap water
  • Soda
  • Excessive alcohol (especially beer)
  • Refined carbs and sugars
  • Processed and fast food
  • Antibiotics, acid reducers and birth control pills
  • Regularly lacking sleep
  • Stress

2- Support the helpful good guys

This involves replacing and supporting your supply of beneficial bacteria, and this is done with a full-spectrum probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.

Contrary to what you may think, your friendly intestinal inhabitants are not “permanent residents”—they only “vacation” inside of you for about 12 days.  So it’s crucial to make sure you consistently help replenish your supply of troops in your protective intestinal army.

Super Shield provides a complete blend of 13 outstanding, well-studied probiotic strains that each have their own “specialty” in terms of how they support your health!

3- Dietary support

Supporting a healthy gut flora balance means nourishing your friendly flora with gut-loving foods like fresh vegetables and fermented foods.

“Fermented foods” includes sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir (a fermented milk drink that tastes like drinkable yogurt), kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage), and kombucha (a tangy tea-based drink).

Note that soy-based products like tempeh and miso are also fermented foods, but I hesitate to recommend soy because most of the soy grown in the US is now genetically modified.

On the flip side, stay away from sugars and refined carbs (including soda), and minimize your consumption of grains (which turn to sugar upon digestion).  All of these foods feed the harmful microbes and yeasts in your gut and counteract the helpful efforts of your microbiome.

Support your helpful gut inhabitants and help them enhance your health in countless ways!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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