Stop the cycle of manipulation now!
I rarely watch TV, but after getting a taste of a morning news program while I was waiting to have blood drawn recently, I decided to conduct a little experiment and watch an hour of mainstream news. All I can say is it was sickening, and I couldn’t even make it a full hour. And I’m not even talking about the sensationalism and fear mongering oozing from the actors, er, I mean newscasters. That’s...

Six ways you may be raising your heart disease risk
I think it’s safe to say that most people don’t want their number to come up in the heart disease lottery. But unfortunately, many people have habits that are inviting heart disease to come knocking. And the thing is, they likely don’t even know it! Here are six of the most common habits that people have that increase the likelihood of heart disease at some point—see how many apply to you: 1- You don’t...
- Tags: Exercise, General Health, Healthy Living, Heart Health

This had better change…or we’re doomed
You have probably heard of the Hippocratic Oath that many doctors recite upon completion of medical school. It encapsulates the standards and principles of medical care since the time of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. But you’ve likely never seen the actual text of the oath! Note that it has been updated from its original form, so here are some excerpts from a more current version: I swear to fulfill, to the best...

My Independence Day message to you
Happy Independence Day to you! As we celebrate the birth of our country, this day will be filled with barbecues, parades, outdoor activities and of course, fireworks! But I’d like to reflect on a little deeper meaning here. Our founding fathers were tenacious and dedicated as they fought and sacrificed tremendously for this country that we call the United States. Why? Because they had a vision of a great country with freedoms and the...

Why are we seeing so much aggression and violence?
This question popped into my head as I was driving north on I-95 the other day and witnessed at least five instances of road rage or extremely aggressive driving. I swear in one case it looked like a car was trying to run another one off the road! Of course acts of aggression and violence are not limited to people driving on highways. Practically every day there are reports of another shooting, mass shooting,...

I have an interesting story to tell you
In addition to what I believe to be sound dietary advice, one of the most common recommendations that I give to my clients and readers is to: Get some form of regular exercise! Trust me, that doesn’t win me any popularity contests. Exercise is loathsome to a lot of people, and many will do just about anything to avoid it. But I nonetheless continue to fervently tell people to exercise…even if my words fall...