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Think you’re health-savvy?  Take this quiz and find out!

Think you’re health-savvy? Take this quiz and find out!

  Here is a quiz to test your knowledge of health facts vs. fiction.  The answers follow at the end.    Let’s see how you do!  Questions:  1.  Saturated fats like red meat, butter and eggs raise your risk of heart disease. True or false 2. It’s OK if you don’t have a bowel movement every day. True or false 3.  How long can it take your gut microbiome to recover after a single course of...

Mar 13, 2023 8 comments

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I have a story to tell you—do you see yourself in it?

I have a story to tell you—do you see yourself in it?

  I have been in the health field since the early 80s and have also been blessed with a very sharp memory.  As such, I can remember what things were like 40 years ago in terms of people’s health as compared to now.  And I’ve got to say, hands down, that we are FAR sicker today than we were 40 years ago, and probably have ever been in our existence.  I was a health claims...

Feb 27, 2023 2 comments

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Do you make this costly mistake too?

Do you make this costly mistake too?

  It’s that time of year again.  New Year’s Resolutions are in high gear and people are anxiously looking for ways to attain their goals of losing weight, exercising more or just getting healthier.  So far so good.  But the “how” is arguably much more important than the goal itself here.  Because as much as someone may wish to lose 30 pounds or get in shape, when it comes time to do the work, that’s...

Jan 10, 2023 1 comment

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Brace yourself—more fear mongering is on the horizon

Brace yourself—more fear mongering is on the horizon

  It’s that time of year again.  The time when we are bombarded by signs EVERYWHERE saying, “Get your flu shot!”   And this year’s push has an additional twist because now we are hearing about COVID and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) too!  So get ready to start hearing scary numbers about hospitalizations, cases and the risk of death.    But before you get caught up in worry and fear, here are some things to think about. ...

Nov 07, 2022 5 comments

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Are you doomed by your family history?

Are you doomed by your family history?

  Modern medicine has historically placed a large emphasis on family history (i.e.: someone’s genes) as a strong predictor of whether or not a person will develop a disease.  Think about any time you’ve ever gone to a doctor and had to fill out health history paperwork—they always ask if your grandparents, parents or siblings have had cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.   Well, now evidence is showing that family history is not the be all...

Oct 19, 2022 1 comment

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Can you decipher health facts from fiction?  Take this quiz!

Can you decipher health facts from fiction? Take this quiz!

It’s not necessary to use antibacterial soap when washing your hands.  True or false Annual mammograms are a woman’s best protection against breast cancer.  True or false Which of these are good choices of fat to use in cooking? A) Margarine  B) Lard  C) Vegetable oil  D) Canola oil  E) Butter  Bad breath can be caused by digestive issues.  True or false It’s not normal to have gas every day.  True or false Which of...

Oct 07, 2022 4 comments

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