How to detox safely and naturally
If there’s anything that withstands the test of time in our society today, it’s the existence of crazes. As in, what’s the latest diet craze? Or workout fad? Or serum to reduce wrinkles and aging? And right up there at the top of the craze list is: What’s the newest way to detox?! I’m not suggesting that detoxing isn’t important because it sure is! It’s never good to have toxins residing in your body....

The top 3 health atrocities people see as “normal”
New! Holistic Blends is testing the option to listen to select blogs. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section of the blog below. I’d like to talk to you today about a trend that I am seeing in the health field that is rather disturbing and affecting increasing numbers of people. Despite our advances in new treatments and medications, and the fact that we spend more per capita on health care...

Sneaky health destroyers that few doctors test for
I think it’s safe to say that when most people don’t feel quite right (or downright lousy), unless it’s something minor and short-lived like a cold, the average person will go to the doctor to see what’s wrong. And hopefully after whatever tests are necessary, get some answers and a solution. But alas, life does not always work out that way. Because it’s entirely possible that you can consult a doctor, go through a...

A harmful trend that’s on the rise
As you can probably surmise, after being in the health field for several decades, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all. But what troubles me is the fact that there are current trends in health that I am seeing, both in my own clients and in the literature that I review, that go from mildly disturbing to downright shocking. As my (former) karate fighting teacher used to tell me, I have a steel-trap...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living, Medications

Ladies: Here are 8 good reasons to see a gynecologist
I would venture to say that one of the most uncomfortable events in a woman’s life is a visit to the gynecologist. Guys, I realize that you have your share of “uncomfortable examinations” too, but I think us gals have you beat on this one. Unfortunately, the less-than-pleasant experience of a GYN exam causes many women to procrastinate or avoid them like the plague. But that can come back to bite you, especially if...

This is the best medicine of all!
That statement probably has you pondering. What would you consider to be the best medicine of all? Many people would say antibiotics. They’ve saved lives, but they have also been way overprescribed. As a result, they have destroyed many gut microbiomes and spurred the development of “Superbugs” that resist even our strongest antibiotics and can pose a threat to your life. Others may say proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). In fairness, these drugs do...