Holistic Blends Blog


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What to do when Nature won’t call for you

What to do when Nature won’t call for you

  I’d like to talk today about something that we all experience at one time or another. Constipation! But before I get into the nitty-gritty of Nature failing to call for you, I have a funny but true story to share: A very dear friend of mine knows a gal who doesn’t bother with laxatives, enemas or prune juice when she gets constipated.  Instead she goes to McDonalds and gets a Big Mac and fries....

Aug 27, 2020 5 comments

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What’s “behind” your itchy butt and how you can stop it

What’s “behind” your itchy butt and how you can stop it

I got an email from a reader who wanted me to talk about itchy butt. People feel comfortable discussing the most, um, “private” subjects with me.  Hey, I’m happy to help, so for all of you that frequently get the urge to scratch where the sun don’t shine, I will enlighten you on several possible reasons why your backside is irritating you, and ways you can get relief. Then we’ll also look at other causes...

Jul 17, 2019 0 comments

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8 Common causes of your digestive misery

8 Common causes of your digestive misery

I recently saw a survey which reported that as many as 74 percent of Americans suffer from digestive misery at least occasionally, and at least 25 percent of us suffer from some form of “GI fireworks” on a regular basis!
Now the begging question here is: What’s going on?
Why are we so gassy, bloated, always belching and burping, and the leaders of the free world in heartburn, constipation and diarrhea?
Jun 01, 2018 9 comments

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Make 2018 the year you stop being constipated!

Make 2018 the year you stop being constipated!

My dear late mother used to call it getting “blocked up,” and as kids we learned early on not to tell our mother if we were blocked up…otherwise the enema bag might come out.
Of course I’m referring to constipation!  And judging by the sea of laxatives that drowns you in the average drug store, there is a whole lot of people getting blocked up pretty regularly.
Jan 08, 2018 1 comment

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Put constipation “behind” you for good

Put constipation “behind” you for good

Constipation is something that strikes everyone at one time or another.    And if it was just limited to every once in a while, that would be one thing. But for up to 28 percent of the US population, constipation is a fairly regular occurrence.  Now, many of these “blocked up” people can get relief from their constipation simply by looking at what might be causing it and doing something about it. Things like low...

Apr 13, 2015 1 comment

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