Holistic Blends Blog


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Most people don’t get enough of this—do you?

Most people don’t get enough of this—do you?

  If I were to tell you that a certain substance could reduce your risk of dying prematurely from any cause, would you be interested in knowing what it was? How about if I also told you that this substance helps older adults remain free of disease, disability and physical limitations well into their golden years? Does that sound good to you? Well, this seemingly magical lifesaving substance is none other than… Fiber! Here’s the...

Jul 03, 2024 0 comments

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Does this sound like you?  If so, read this.

Does this sound like you? If so, read this.

  15% Site-Wide Sale Continues! Nothing gives me more gratification than to guide someone with their diet and supplement regimen and hear them say, “I feel so much better!” The human body is an incredible creation, and it can make an enormous difference when you support its state of health and proper functioning. But sadly, some people don’t know where to start or that different options even exist! Instead they are told by their doctors...

Mar 15, 2024 1 comment

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Don’t let these be a “pain in your butt” any longer!

Don’t let these be a “pain in your butt” any longer!

  When it comes to digestive issues, it is no secret that millions of people are suffering from GERD, acid reflux, constipation, diverticulitis, gas, and bloating.  But there is another digestive problem that isn’t talked about as often, but it can be a royal pain in the butt…literally!  I am talking about hemorrhoids!  Even though you do not hear about them as often as other conditions, nonetheless, searches for the term “hemorrhoids” on Google have...

Dec 21, 2022 3 comments

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This may be the most overlooked measure of health

This may be the most overlooked measure of health

  There are several key measures or values that indicate things about your health and whether there may be an issue brewing.  Anytime you step into a doctor’s office you will see this in action. You will likely have your heart rate and blood pressure measured, your temperature taken, and the most dreaded one of all—stepping on the scale to get your weight.  But there is another measure that 99.9 percent of doctors do not...

Nov 21, 2022 3 comments

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Your gallbladder—Nature’s “mistake” or vital organ?

Your gallbladder—Nature’s “mistake” or vital organ?

  I recently spoke with a client who told me that she underwent exploratory surgery for abdominal pain, and during the procedure, her doctor removed her gallbladder because it appeared inflamed.  She was assured that her gallbladder wasn’t really necessary anyway, and that she will be just fine without it. That has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made, and it baffles me how so many medical professionals not only say...

May 11, 2022 8 comments

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Always bloated and gassy?  This may be why!

Always bloated and gassy? This may be why!

  One out of four of us has some type of digestive problem, and right up there among the top is BLOATING! Although it tends to affect women more often, bloating is a very common condition that causes misery for millions of people. Now, occasional bloating is one thing that most of us can deal with.  Every now and then we all get a little gassy, and women typically are bloated during menstruation.  But many...

Oct 28, 2020 2 comments

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