Holistic Blends Blog


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Are you a likely target for cancer?  How to tell

Are you a likely target for cancer? How to tell

  A very dear friend of mine from college was just diagnosed with cancer. We had been keeping in touch over the last 10 years or so, thanks to social media.  I had noticed that several of her Facebook posts were recipes for rich desserts and other sweets…and I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been troubled about that for some time.  I knew she was overweight and had been warned that her blood glucose levels...

Sep 14, 2020 4 comments

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Colorectal cancer—what you must be aware of

Colorectal cancer—what you must be aware of

  March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. So naturally there will be a lot of “awareness” being trumpeted to the masses—primarily telling people age 50 and over to get their colonoscopies, watch for changes in bowel habits and basically hope your number doesn’t come up in the colorectal cancer lottery. Well, I have a lot more to say than that. Here’s what you should really be “aware” of: [[big4]]Colorectal cancer—good news and bad[[end]] There’s...

Mar 03, 2020 8 comments

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This increases your risk of stomach cancer by 600%

This increases your risk of stomach cancer by 600%

There is a highly contagious, sneaky bacterial infection that affects an incredible 66 percent of the world’s population (2 out of 3 of us). In 90 percent of the cases there are no symptoms at all, so most people who have it don’t even know it. But just because there are no symptoms, that doesn’t mean people that have it are in the clear. Because this infection can increase your stomach cancer risk by a...

Nov 13, 2019 8 comments

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Breast cancer—what you should really be “aware” of

Breast cancer—what you should really be “aware” of

I was in a pharmacy buying a birthday card recently, and the cashier asked me if I would like to donate an extra dollar over my bill for breast cancer research. She looked almost offended when I said no. But I said no with confidence because I know where that dollar will go, and it has absolutely nothing to do with anything helpful regarding breast cancer. As I’m sure you know, October is National Breast...

Oct 18, 2019 0 comments

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When acid reflux turns to cancer

When acid reflux turns to cancer

  If you’re one of the 60 million or so people in the US with acid reflux, you know all too well the misery it causes. This can go WAY beyond a 4-alarm fire in your chest and include: Regurgitation of food and stomach acid Chest pain Chronic cough; frequent throat-clearing Difficulty swallowing Bloating and gas Shortness of breath Sore throat   But there’s another consequence of acid reflux that is far worse than burping...

May 13, 2019 9 comments

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Your best defense against our #2 killer

Your best defense against our #2 killer

  Despite the “War on Cancer” that was waged back in the 70’s, as well as all the ribbons, walks, runs and hoopla that typically revolve around the topic of cancer, it nonetheless remains our #2 killer.  Clearly, we are dropping the ball somewhere. I don’t mean to sound cynical, but when I observe what some people fill their grocery carts with, I think to myself, “There’s cancer in the making.” While it’s true that...

Apr 08, 2019 2 comments

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