Holistic Blends Blog


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Do you eat enough of these cancer-fighting foods?

Do you eat enough of these cancer-fighting foods?

  As you can probably recall, I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events, especially when they revolve around health issues like cancer. Whether you know it or not, most of the money raised in cancer awareness events goes to drug and genetic research.  We’ve spent trillions of dollars in cancer research since President Nixon declared his “War on Cancer” in 1971.  But it still remains our #2 killer. Clearly, we’re dropping the ball somewhere....

Jul 30, 2021 4 comments

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How to naturally fight viruses, heart disease and more!

How to naturally fight viruses, heart disease and more!

  Although the pharmaceutical industry would LOVE for you to believe that the only way to combat heart disease, viruses, and many other illnesses is with their toxic chemicals, that’s simply not true! Because Nature has given us a plethora of herbs, spices and other plants that can either equal or most times outdo pharma’s pills, safely and effectively, without the risk of deadly side effects. Two of Nature’s superstars that could arguably replace several...

Jul 26, 2021 2 comments

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What the media won’t tell you about sunscreens

What the media won’t tell you about sunscreens

  It has been said that there are two certainties in life—death and taxes. I’ll add one more onto that—the fact that advertising works.  Very well. One motivator in particular that has been shown to work like a charm in the media is FEAR! There’s nothing quite like scaring the beejuzus out of someone, then selling a product as the magic answer to protect them from the dreaded outcome. And when it comes to sunscreens,...

Jun 07, 2021 3 comments

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A blatantly ignored cause of disease and death

A blatantly ignored cause of disease and death

  Despite what you may read on most pharmaceutical company-sponsored “health” websites and even what your doctor may tell you, disease doesn’t just pop out of nowhere and bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. Disease is not normal, it is not a reflection of your body needing some drug, it’s not something you should expect as you age, and it is not some mysterious phenomenon that nobody can explain and for which you have...

Jan 25, 2021 1 comment

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Want to prevent cancer?  Start here

Want to prevent cancer? Start here

  When it comes to cancer, I see a lot of people being misled by cancer research organizations and the mainstream medical community and here’s why. First of all, let me remind you that since the 1971 “War on Cancer” was introduced by President Nixon, hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into various initiatives for cancer research to “find the cure”…and although some advances have been made in terms of diagnosis and treatment,...

Nov 23, 2020 2 comments

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Breast cancer--what you really should be “aware” of

Breast cancer--what you really should be “aware” of

  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and judging by the PSAs on my Facebook feed to “get your mammogram,” it appears everyone’s pretty aware of it. And although many events have had to go virtual this year due to COVID restrictions, there are still “races for the cure” happening around the country, aiming to raise money for breast cancer research. The largest of the breast cancer charities, the Susan G. Komen Foundation (or...

Oct 09, 2020 2 comments

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