Are these really just “a bunch of crap”?
*Important general office-hours announcement at the end - Please read through* I once had a client who told me that when she mentioned to her doctor that she was taking a multi-vitamin, he basically scolded her and said she “doesn’t need that crap.” Interesting perspective. Not only are vitamins NOT a bunch of crap, but our need for non-food sources of nutrients has continued to expand. At one time (several decades ago) people who had...

The Top 3 Questions About GTNP
(Important general announcements at the end, please read through) If you’ve been with Sherry & I since 2007, back when Sherry wrote the first edition of Great Taste No Pain, you’d know we didn’t start out as a supplement company. Our humble beginnings were centered on teaching you how to put your meals together so that you’d successfully digest your food and feel better for it! This practice evolved beyond the Great Taste No...

How much vitamin D do you really need?
We recently received a question about the vitamin D3 dose in our Optimum DK Formula. The reader was wondering if the 5,000 IUs of vitamin D was “too much,” especially considering that her doctors have told her not to take more than 2,000 IUs of vitamin D per day and that research from Harvard indicated the upper-level max was 4,000 IUs. That’s a great question, and I’m sure others may be wondering about...

Your better health is just 4 simple steps away!
In addition to being my birth month, August is also National Wellness Month. While that sounds very nice and virtuous, I’m sorry, but I don’t see a lot of “wellness” going on around me. I observe people everywhere I go, and more often than not, I see vast numbers of folks that are overweight, struggling to walk and/or “waddling,” while in obvious pain or physical discomfort, laboring to breathe, have unhealthy looking skin, using...

These can either make or break your health
If you went to the doctor and reported having insomnia, chances are good you’d walk out with a prescription for sleeping pills. Or if you mentioned feeling depressed, you may get an antidepressant. If you complained about indigestion, acid reducers may be in your future. But there is a common underlying cause for all of these health issues (and many more) that NONE of the prescription drugs in the world can touch—and in...

A concerning trend that’s on the rise
After being in the health field for the last few decades, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all. But what troubles me is the fact that there are current trends in health that I am observing that go from mildly disturbing to downright shocking. As my karate fighting teacher used to tell me, I have a steel-trap memory…and I can vividly remember times in the not-so-distant past when we weren’t so darn...