A concerning trend that’s on the rise


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A concerning trend that’s on the rise

Aug 07, 2024 0 comments
A concerning trend that’s on the rise



After being in the health field for the last few decades, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all.

But what troubles me is the fact that there are current trends in health that I am observing that go from mildly disturbing to downright shocking.

As my karate fighting teacher used to tell me, I have a steel-trap memory…and I can vividly remember times in the not-so-distant past when we weren’t so darn sick and medicated to the hilt.

Here is what I’m talking about—I’ll use an example of an acquaintance that I will call “Delores” to show just how far we’ve sunk.

Delores’ story

Delores is a 74-year-old woman who mentioned having high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, acid reflux, back pain, obesity and depression.

She also said she suffers from insomnia, stomach aches and fatigue, and recently has experienced slight tremors.

This is the treatment that Delores said she received:

Her GP had prescribed losartan for her hypertension, omeprazole for acid reflux, amitriptyline for her depression, Lipitor for high cholesterol and suggested Naproxen as needed for back pain.

He also told her to limit her intake to 1,500 calories per day to lose weight.

He said if her insomnia continues, he will prescribe Lunesta. He also feels that her tremors may be due to the amitriptyline and will consider Topamax if they persist.

She told him that she didn’t like taking all those medications and his response was, “Well, if you don’t do what I tell you to do, I can’t treat you any longer.”

My thoughts

This guy belongs in an orange suit and not a white coat because he is a drug pusher and a far cry from what a doctor should be.

I don’t say that lightly, folks. This poor woman is on FIVE different potent medications and is on track for numbers six and seven. 

And her doctor won’t even engage in a discussion about her concerns! I guess he doesn’t realize that he works for her and not the other way around.

And poor Delores is the one paying the price!

What is happening here is that a vicious cycle has been created whereby the various drugs she is on are causing or worsening her health complaints!

Here’s what I mean: 

The Losartan she takes for blood pressure can cause back pain, depression, insomnia, stomach aches and tremors. (Note that back pain and insomnia are among Delores’ complaints.)

Amitriptyline (an antidepressant)can cause back pain and insomnia, weight gain, hypertension (which she also has), fatigue and tremors.

The statin Lipitor can lead to back pain and insomnia (starting to see a pattern here?) as well as fatigue and stomach aches.

Omeprazole canALSO cause back pain and insomnia! Plus, it can lead to high blood pressure, acid reflux (It’s a reflux drug—how’s that for a kicker?), depression, fatigue, stomach aches and tremors.

Lastly, the Naproxen she takes for back pain can CAUSE back pain (I wish I could make this stuff up!), high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, acid reflux, depression, insomnia, fatigue and stomach aches.

My conversation with Delores

I asked Delores if any diet suggestions (other than severely restricting her calories) were given, even though I already knew the answer would be no…and I was right.

I explained to Delores that good health and a normal bodyweight begin with a nutritious diet and sound digestion.

Instead of severely restricting calories, I simply suggested she concentrate on wholesome real foods which she was happy to do. I also brought up exercise, and she said she loves to take walks. I told her that can help with weight loss as well as improving her sleep.

Since she’s regurgitating acid, I explained to her that our typical modern meals (comprised of many processed foods plus a mish mash of every food type known to man) are difficult for the stomach to break down properly. I mentioned that if she structures her meals more simply (like I suggest in Great Taste No Pain), combining either proteins OR starches with vegetables in her meals, it will help ease the burden on her system and pave the way for improvement in digestion.

I also told her that Omega-3 fish oil (like our VitalMega-3) has been medically proven to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol safely and naturally. Plus, it can also ease inflammation which may help with her back pain too!

Then I explained that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause fatigue as well as cause or worsen depression and back pain, and in view of the fact that her digestion is dicey, she may not be absorbing the B12 in her foods. In that case, an oral spray such as Hydroxaden 2.5 can conveniently provide a health-supporting dose of B12 (as well as vitamins B2, B3 and B6). 

Lastly, I urged her to approach her doctor and request a discussion… and if he is unwilling to do so, it may be time to seek out another doctor who will listen to her and work with her. There are many wonderful doctors out there who are happy to be a partner in their patients’ care.

Did you see yourself?

If you saw a glimpse of yourself in anything I said above, then I recommend that you start asking questions of your doctor and engaging him or her in a discussion.

Note that doctors who practice integrative or complementary medicine are trained in both traditional and holistic measures, and typically they are happy to help come up with natural alternatives to medications where appropriate.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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