Finally—pain relief without dangerous drugs!
According to the CDC, longstanding or frequent pain affects over 70 million Americans! Out of that total, 50 million reported having “chronic pain” defined as pain that has lasted at least three months, and the other 20 million suffer from “high-impact chronic pain” which frequently limits their life or work activities. With all that pain going on, people are naturally desperate for relief…so they typically turn to their local pharmacy. The most popular types...

Think you know what’s best for your health? Take this quiz!
Here is a quiz to see how savvy you are in terms of how to achieve great health and/or avoid sickness and disease. The answers follow at the end. 1. Laxatives are a safe and effective treatment for constipation. True or false 2. Which of the following is a consequence of chronic stress? A. IndigestionB. Elevated blood pressure C. Getting sick more often D. Carb cravings E. Hormonal imbalances F. All of the above are consequences of stress ...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living

Got bad breath? Here’s how to end it for good.
I worked part-time at an insurance agency during my first couple years of college, and my boss had hands down the most horrible bad breath I’ve ever encountered. She would get close to me as she was explaining things to me during training, and swear I thought I was going to puke on several occasions. So it’s no wonder that bad breath ranks right up there in terms of common fears people have! If...

Don’t get caught up in this hype!
When it comes to selling, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to create an urgent need or problem, then magically provide (i.e.: sell) the solution to said problem. Note that I used the word create here, because many times the need for a specific product is just not there, so the customer must be convinced (or scared into thinking) they need it. At the same time, if other competing products can...

Don’t be deceived or manipulated—consider these points
Now more so than any other time in our history, it is crucial to be well-informed. Things are changing at lightning speed in our world today, and it’s vital to have accurate facts and make up your own mind about various issues. But the problem is, the news outlets providing the information that is disseminated to the world are not exactly free of bias and undue influence. In fact, they’re largely bought and paid...

You’ll enjoy this health self-assessment
Modern mainstream medicine is symptom-focused, meaning sickness and disease are seen as some mysterious thing that pops up, and the standard answers are drugs that mask the symptoms or surgery. It wasn’t always this way. Up until about 150 years ago, sickness was viewed as the result of an imbalance or deficiency in the body, and efforts were directed to correct the underlying situation. But this change in the focus of medicine (largely due...