I was disgusted when I heard this…and you should be too
Someone very dear to me (I’ll call her “Rachel”) went to the doctor recently for a few problems she’s been having, and when she told me about her appointment, I was disgusted. Here’s a little background information: Rachel has been under great stress over the last several months. She lost her job and has had difficulty finding another. She has been doing temp work but is having financial challenges due to the reduction in...

10 Sneaky signs of poor digestion
15% off storewide sale continues! When most people think of “digestive problems,” images of heartburn, burping, gas, bloating, belching and constipation typically come to mind. But sometimes poor digestion doesn’t come out as typical digestive symptoms! Instead shortcomings in your digestion can manifest themselves in ways that you would never connect to your GI tract! Here’s what I mean—these are 10 sneaky signs of insufficient digestion that you should start paying attention to, along with...

Nothing to sneeze at—natural allergy relief
15% off storewide sale continues! Throughout the last 61 years, I have been grateful to NOT be among the one out of four Americans that suffers from seasonal allergies. Well, guess what? That’s all changed. Because apparently my Upstate NY immune system does not get along well with Florida pollen. Although I moved to Florida from New York in September 2021, I didn’t notice any issues…until now. It’s funny because I thought I just...
- Tags: allergies, General Health, Healthy Living, Probiotic

Why are people everywhere losing it?
While it’s a good idea to be informed, I’ve got to say that it’s getting harder and harder to see what’s going on in our world and not feel horrified or frightened. For example, I just saw that three security guards at a Staten Island, NY hospital were slashed with a sharp object and nurses were attacked (with one being bitten) Sunday morning around 4am. The attacks were apparently carried out by a 19-year-old...

Why does the CDC continue to ignore these diseases?
In theory, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responsible for providing current, accurate information about health-related issues for Americans. Too bad a lot of what we’re seeing from them is neither current nor accurate. First of all, when searching “Leading causes of death in the US,” the CDC is still showing data from 2021 (three years ago). That’s current? Heart disease continues to top the list with about 695,000 deaths, and...

Six ways you may be increasing your heart disease risk
Tomorrow is February 1st and February is National Heart Health Month! Now, I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t want anything bad going on with our ticker and vessels. But unfortunately, many people have habits that are inviting heart disease to come knocking. And the thing is, they likely don’t even know it! Here are six of the most common habits that people have that increase the likelihood of heart...