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This increases your risk of COVID-19 and most diseases

This increases your risk of COVID-19 and most diseases

  I’m going to start your Monday with some not-so-pleasant statistics. According to the CDC, currently about half of all adult Americans, and 54 percent of our children, have at least one chronic condition.  In addition, chronic disease is responsible for at least seven out of 10 deaths. In other words, it is more “normal” to be sick than well, and that doesn’t sit very well with me! The time has come for us to...

Jun 29, 2020 0 comments

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5 ways to get you on the road to a robust immune system!

5 ways to get you on the road to a robust immune system!

Here are 5 ways to get you on the road to a robust immune system! [[big3]]1- Limit sugars and refined carbs[[end]] Sugars and refined carbs (which turn to sugar upon digestion) feed cancer cells, harmful yeasts and parasites, and depress your immune system functioning. So avoid the white breads, pastries, cookies, donuts, cakes, bagels, rolls, white rice, crackers and snack chips as much as possible. And most importantly, stay far away from the #1 poison...

Jun 15, 2020 0 comments

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This explodes your COVID-19 death risk

This explodes your COVID-19 death risk

  Over the last few months several facts about COVID-19 have emerged, and data from countries all over the world are filling in the blanks as to why some people acquire it and don’t even know it, some incur symptoms and then recover, yet others succumb to the virus. And one of the biggest factors behind COVID-19 related deaths that has come out in the statistics is the presence of co-morbid conditions, most significantly high...

Jun 05, 2020 7 comments

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A very serious consequence of lockdowns

A very serious consequence of lockdowns

  Now that communities are beginning to open back up following the COVID-19 mitigation measures, jokes and memes about the “COVID-15” (weight gain resulting from the lockdowns) are flooding social media.  While gaining weight in most instances is not the best thing for your health, there is an arguably far more serious consequence of our recent forced quarantines and the social and economic devastation that has resulted. Depression! Even people who were never prone to...

Jun 02, 2020 0 comments

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Most of us don’t get enough of this

Most of us don’t get enough of this

  When someone is running low on something, it’s usually not a good thing. This especially applies to nutrients!  Nutritional deficiencies are a cause or contributing factor to just about every disease there is. But there is another deficiency that is often ignored, but being without it can be detrimental, and cause diabetes, weight gain, depression and much, much more. I’m talking about sleep deprivation! Here’s the scoop on this increasingly common problem. [[big3]]Many of...

May 08, 2020 0 comments

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Beyond BO—what sweating really means!

Beyond BO—what sweating really means!

  I ran 10.25 miles yesterday morning and to say I was sweaty afterwards is a bit of an understatement. As a matter of fact, my son (who turns 22 years old today!) looked at my running shirt that was literally dripping and said laughingly, “Nice, Mom.  You going to wear that to the office today?”  (Wise guy.) All kidding aside, whether we like it or not, everyone sweats from time to time and that’s...

May 06, 2020 0 comments

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