Become a less attractive home for COVID-19 (and other sickness)
I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t want to catch a bacterial or viral infection…and many people are understandably concerned about what would happen if they got sick (especially in the wake of the COVID-19 situation). But the interesting thing about bacteria and viruses is that not everyone is “fair game” to get sick. Some people seem to catch everything that’s going around, while others almost never get sick—even when...

Strong protection against COVID-19
To say that the last 6 months have been an unprecedented challenge is a vast understatement…and hats off to all individuals who have tried their best to unravel this situation and look for real answers. In the course of conducting studies and examining trends, one fact that has continued to emerge is that the existence of co-morbidities exponentially increases the risk of COVID-19 infection, severity and death. These include: High blood pressure, heart disease,...

All disease begins here—could it be affecting you?
When disease strikes, many people have the belief that it just “came out of nowhere.” Nothing could be farther from the truth! Disease is not a monster lurking around the corner waiting to jump up and bite innocent little you in the derriere. Instead disease is carefully CREATED, and although there are many contributing factors that determine whether your doctor will say to you, “Um, we have a problem here,” far and away the...

I need to hear from YOU now!
I would like to switch things up a bit in today’s blog. Instead of me talking about a certain subject and giving you natural strategies to overcome illness and/or prevent getting sick to begin with, I’d like to turn today’s blog over to YOU and ask you what you want to read about, and I will share the information in an upcoming blog! It an understatement to say that we are in times of...

A national day you should never celebrate
Yesterday was National Junk Food Day…and while I get the fun intent behind these “national days,” junk food is not something anyone should be celebrating. Processed junk foods are arguably the most widespread and significant cause of disease and early death in our existence. Sure, we can point fingers at smoking, excessive alcohol intake, pharmaceuticals and lack of exercise as underlying factors behind our sickly states of health too, but food is numero...

Surprising causes (& remedies) for acne
I don't think I’d be shocking you today if I said that the health of your GI tract has a major effect on whether or not you suffer from problems like acid reflux, constipation, gas or bloating. You might also remember that your gut houses most your immune system, which helps protect you against infections, viruses and diseases. But here's something that might NOT occur to you. The health of your gut can also...