Could your healthy diet be a fast track to disease?
Most people are aware that having an unhealthy, highly processed diet is not the best idea if you want a life free of disease. But what if I told you that even a HEALTHY diet could possibly make you seriously ill? What?! That is, if you eat a lot of foods that are high in lectins. Here’s the skinny on lectins—what they really are, the health problems they can cause, and how you can...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Eating, Lectins

What the media won’t tell you about sunscreens
It has been said that there are two certainties in life—death and taxes. I’ll add one more onto that—the fact that advertising works. Very well. One motivator in particular that has been shown to work like a charm in the media is FEAR! There’s nothing quite like scaring the beejuzus out of someone, then selling a product as the magic answer to protect them from the dreaded outcome. And when it comes to sunscreens,...
- Tags: Cancer, General Health, Hair and Skin, Healthy Living, Toxins, Vitamin D

Your #1 predictor of disease (Hint: It’s not your genes)
Modern medicine has traditionally focused on family history (i.e.: someone’s genes) as a strong predictor of whether or not a person will develop a certain disease. Think about any time you’ve ever gone to a doctor and had to fill out paperwork—they always ask if your grandparents, parents or siblings have had cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Well, now evidence is emerging that family history is not the be all and end all of...

Women’s Check-up Day—don’t make this mistake
Today is National Women’s Check-up Day. Taking measures to make sure you don’t have any unknown health issues brewing, or to ensure that your health hasn’t worsened, is certainly a good idea. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re free and clear just because your pap smear and mammogram are negative, or your blood work fell within the magic numbers and your doc gave you a thumbs up. Because even though you might...

Rates of this condition have skyrocketed since COVID
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and that topic brings back vivid memories about my father from my childhood. You see, in addition to dying of a massive heart attack at age 58 (when I was 15), my Dad was also an alcoholic. I didn’t understand as a kid what may have been the driving force behind his drinking—all I knew was that I couldn’t have friends over because I was too embarrassed,...

Beyond SIBO—the incredible health benefits of oregano and garlic!
Although the oregano and garlic in our outstanding SIBO Defense Blend are (naturally) very effective at fighting SIBO and supporting a healthier gut bacteria balance, the incredible health benefits of these two herbs go WAAAAY beyond SIBO! Here is a more complete resume for these two gems of Nature, proving that SIBO Defense Blend can be used for much more than just SIBO! We’ll start with… [[big4]]10 of the best health benefits of oregano[[end]]...