Sherry’s Top 10 Holiday Survival Tips
The holidays will soon be upon us! I’m already getting Black Friday ads in my emails, and of course the stores are brimming with Christmas decorations and supplies! Although the holidays are a time to share with loved ones and reflect on our blessings, unfortunately they are also a time when many people get run down, sick, and put on weight. But that doesn’t have to happen to you! Because when you take steps...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Stress

Are you shortening your life in this way?
I’ll start your Wednesday with some shocking statistics. A recent JAMA study was conducted that showed children and teens get a whopping 67 percent (two-thirds) of their daily calories from highly processed foods! So, is it any wonder they’re depressed, can’t sit still or concentrate, and over half (54 percent) of them have at least one chronic disease? Adults are no better. Although as adults we “should” appreciate the importance of healthy food more...

This is your most vital organ—take care of it or else!
October is National Liver Awareness Month. While I feel pretty confident that we are all “aware” of our livers, I’d be willing to bet that many people don’t know everything that their liver does for them. It’s arguably your most important vital organ! In addition, unlike your other organs and systems, unfortunately you don’t always get obvious warning signs when something is awry with your liver…so yours may be suffering and you don’t even...

Change isn’t easy, but it’s worth it
As you read this today, I am driving my SUV down the east coast with my 3 cats in tow (meowing incessantly) and my son following me in his truck, moving to our new home in Florida. I have been a mixed bag of emotions these last few months, ranging from sheer excitement and happiness about the new house and living in the Sunshine State to anxiety and sadness over leaving my beautiful home...

Is this why people are maniacs on the road?
Is it my imagination, or are people more filled with road rage and aggression than ever before? This thought occurred to me as I was driving from Central NY to Connecticut recently. I can’t tell you the number of close calls, cut-offs, flip-offs and tailgates that I witnessed on Interstates 87, 90 and 95. Are people just maniacs these days? Well, there may be another answer to consider… [[big3]]Your daily dose of rage[[end]] While...
- Tags: General Health, Immune Health, Mental Health, Stress

I have a secret to tell you
I have a little secret to share with you. Today is my birthday, and not only that, this is my LAST birthday in the 50s. Gulp! And while knocking on the door of 60 may sound a little scary on the surface, I honestly feel great! I’m still running every week, doing full-contact karate sparring (fighting men), and enjoying a consistent high level of energy. Plus I recently got mistaken as my daughter’s sister...