Don’t let this happen to your immune system
Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a sickness or disease will say that their illness “just came out of nowhere.” Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. Sickness and disease very often develop gradually over time, and they take great care to seek out a nice, cozy home where they can wreak their havoc, preferably undisturbed. And one of the most significant factors that will determine whether you will be...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living, Immune Health, Stress

One of the biggest threats to our existence
You probably know this about me already, but I’m a people watcher. Not in a weird way, but in a professional/educational way. I watch people’s food choices in restaurants, grocery stores and (most recently since I just flew home from Florida yesterday) airports and look for any obvious physical issues. I’m not judging—rather, as a nutrition coach, it’s important for me to see first-hand what people are eating and how it may affect them! ...

What your tongue is saying about your health
Modern medicine uses a pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “spot of trouble.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and...
- Tags: Candida, General Health, Healthy Mouth, Immune Health

How to naturally fight viruses, heart disease and more!
Although the pharmaceutical industry would LOVE for you to believe that the only way to combat heart disease, viruses, and many other illnesses is with their toxic chemicals, that’s simply not true! Because Nature has given us a plethora of herbs, spices and other plants that can either equal or most times outdo pharma’s pills, safely and effectively, without the risk of deadly side effects. Two of Nature’s superstars that could arguably replace several...

Don’t ignore these 10 health warning signs
I think it’s safe to say that very few of us want to overreact to every little ache, pain and symptom and spend our time running to the doctor continuously. Usually the average person will “wait it out” and hope that the issue resolves itself. But there are certain signals your body may be giving you that you should not ignore. Although the potential causes behind these symptoms can be relatively minor, they may...

This will guarantee disease and early death
After 30 years in the health and nutrition field, I dare say I’ve heard it all. I’ve heard countless versions of what people think is a “healthy diet,” I’ve been asked about every diet fad and weight loss supplement known to man and have heard every excuse in the book for someone’s lack of exercise. That’s OK, because this is why I do what I do. To help people get on the right path...