This had better change…or we’re doomed
You have probably heard of the Hippocratic Oath that many doctors recite upon completion of medical school. It encapsulates the standards and principles of medical care since the time of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. But you’ve likely never seen the actual text of the oath! Note that it has been updated from its original form, so here are some excerpts from a more current version: I swear to fulfill, to the best...

Is this why we’re so sick and overweight?
I have an interesting quote for you today about the relationship between diet and health. Although the author says "bread" in the quote, he's really talking about food in general. See if you can guess who said it: "I know, too, that the body is affected differently by bread according to the manner in which it is prepared... The influence of each process is considerable, and each has a totally different effect from another....

I have a secret to tell you
I have a little secret to share with you. Today is my birthday, and not only that, this is my LAST birthday in the 50s. Gulp! And while knocking on the door of 60 may sound a little scary on the surface, I honestly feel great! I’m still running every week, doing full-contact karate sparring (fighting men), and enjoying a consistent high level of energy. Plus I recently got mistaken as my daughter’s sister...

A disturbing trend in our society today
In addition to being the month in which yours truly was born, August is also National Wellness Month. And while that sounds very virtuous and positive, based on my observations, there isn’t a lot of “wellness” going on. The statistics are downright shocking: Nearly 75 percent of us are overweight or obese, seven out of 10 of us take one or more prescription medications every day, over 70 percent have digestive problems and half...
- Tags: Active Living, Exercise, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Stress

You better do this—it’s a matter of life or death
When I first meet with a client, I typically ask them what’s going on and what their health concerns are. Then I ask questions. I normally start with, “How’s your diet?” which is usually followed by the client looking at the floor or saying, “Um, not that bad.” Okey-dokey. This is followed by what I’ve observed to be the most dreaded question of all—“”What do you do for exercise?” As you can probably surmise,...

7 Steps to a long, disease-free life
I hate to say this, but if you are interested in living a long, disease-free life, our modern healthcare system is not the way to do it. I thought this last Friday as I was walking into a local medical center for my bi-weekly acupuncture session. All the people around me in the lobby were overweight, or could barely walk without pain, or looked like they were at death’s door. And of course, the...