Stay away from these inflammatory foods
If there’s one thing we’ve got an abundance of in this country, it’s inflammation.
We’ve got the statistics to prove it! Chronic inflammatory conditions are responsible for seven out of 10 deaths in the US each year.
Do you really need your gallbladder?
I was once approached by a guy at my church that told me he has gallstones and was asking for suggestions from a nutritional perspective.
I was happy to oblige, but first I asked him what he had been told about his condition so far.
He said his doctor was taking a wait and see approach—and if things got worse, he might have to have his gallbladder removed.
Then he asked me the million dollar...
I was happy to oblige, but first I asked him what he had been told about his condition so far.
He said his doctor was taking a wait and see approach—and if things got worse, he might have to have his gallbladder removed.
Then he asked me the million dollar...