Holistic Blends Blog


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Bloated?  Here’s how to get relief fast!

Bloated? Here’s how to get relief fast!

One out of four of us has some type of digestive problem, and right up there among the top is bloating!  Although it tends to affect women more often, bloating is a very common condition that causes misery for millions of people.

May 11, 2017 0 comments

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Can we talk about a very personal subject?

Can we talk about a very personal subject?

I’d like to get personal today and talk about what may an uncomfortable subject.

Your BMs.

Now don’t worry—I’m not peeking into your bathroom.  But it’s important to talk about your “products of excrement” because you can tell a lot about your health from what is in your toilet bowl.

Let’s start with…

May 10, 2017 0 comments

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Read this before you take another purple pill!

Read this before you take another purple pill!

It never ceases to amaze me when people suffer with heartburn, gas or constipation and are desperate for relief, they look at everything EXCEPT what may be messing up their digestion.  They’ll pop purple pills, drink the “pink drink,” fly to the bathroom as laxatives are making their way through and even take antidepressants for heaven’s sake, but none of these does one bloody thing to correct the underlying problem.
May 03, 2017 0 comments

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The answer to a very important question

The answer to a very important question

At a recent local women’s business association meeting, two ladies came up to me and said, “Be honest.  What’s the hype about probiotics?  Are they really necessary and do they make a difference?”  I told them I was happy to honestly tell them what they needed to know about probiotics, and here is what I said:

May 02, 2017 0 comments

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A sly cause of numerous health problems

A sly cause of numerous health problems

There is a very sly force within you that may be stirring up all kinds of health problems and unless you deal with it the right way, chances are excellent you will continue to suffer no matter how many medications your doctor gives you.

Apr 18, 2017 0 comments

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How not to lose your gallbladder (and what to do if you already have)

How not to lose your gallbladder (and what to do if you already have)

Each year in the US about 750,000 cholecystectomies (gallbladder removals) are done, making it one of the most common surgeries.

It also happens to be one of the most unnecessary surgeries!

Apr 10, 2017 1 comment

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