Forget those weight loss resolutions—do this instead
2021 is upon us and I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year! Once the clock reached midnight and you bid adieu to 2020, you know what follows… New Year’s Resolutions! While the subjects of people's New Year's resolutions can run the gamut, consistently topping the list year after year is losing weight! Unfortunately, many people are doomed before they start because they have an instant gratification mindset. Sure, they want to drop a few sizes. But if it all doesn’t happen by January 15th, their motivation goes out the...

6 sneaky reasons you can’t lose weight
As a nutrition coach, I can say with 100 percent confidence that no matter what other health concerns someone may report to me, right up there at the top of their list is wanting to lose weight! And a scenario that I’ve heard time and again goes something like this: Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds. So you start eating healthier and exercising, and lo and behold, the weight begins coming off!...

What is your ideal bodyweight?
Here’s a good one for you. This morning as I was preparing to write today’s blog, I went online to a site that claims to calculate your ideal bodyweight. I put in my parameters—frame size, height, weight and gender—and guess what. It came back and said I was one pound OVERWEIGHT. Me—the person that consistently eats a healthy diet, works out vigorously six days a week, and at age 57 still wears a size...

Forget age—this is a better indicator of your life expectancy
The saying, “Age is just a number” is usually said to comfort and reassure someone who reaches an upper milestone birthday and is feeling old! But recent studies have shown that there’s a lot of truth to that statement. Especially when you’re talking about someone who engages in regular exercise! Although it’s a dreaded word for many people, you can’t deny that regular exercise provides some pretty impressive health benefits, the most obvious being...
- Tags: Aging, Exercise, Healthy Living, weight loss, Weight Management

Is weight loss your 2020 resolution? Don’t do this!
Have you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight in 2020? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Losing weight is consistently one of the top resolutions that people make on December 31st of each year. But sadly, most will go on to fail and completely abandon their resolution by mid-February. If this sounds like you, then listen up. Because the pharmaceutical industry knows that you’re struggling to lose weight, and in their insatiable greed...

Why you should always choose butter over margarine
At a recent holiday luncheon at my church, I was quickly reminded that the average person is still completely clueless about fats, particularly as they pertain to butter versus margarine. We had Italian food catered, and there was a bowl of wrapped butter pats next to the bread. One of the women asked in a rather loud tone, “Isn’t there any margarine for the bread? Butter is so bad for you!” Most of the congregation...