Stop & reverse the 5 stages of poor health!
In my 30 years in the health and nutrition field, I’ve heard a variety of excuses for someone refusing to change their habits in order to improve their health. Things like: "I don't know how to cook." "My husband won't like it if I make healthy meals." "I don't have the time." "Eating right is too expensive." But by far the saddest one I've ever heard is: "It's too late for me." Because this...

Avoid this fast track to an early grave
As I was sitting at a red light at a busy intersection yesterday, I saw a car traveling at an unsafe speed cut someone off, then it made a quick right turn on a dime. Into the McDonald’s drive-thru entrance. Too bad for him that the line was pretty long, so his quick pursuit of a Big Mac was about to come to a screeching halt. I don’t care where you live or what...

Would you sell your farts in a jar?
I heard a story on the radio last night about a reality TV star named Stephanie Matto who apparently made over $200,000 selling jars of her farts. She allegedly ate lots of beans and eggs to help, er, “manufacture” her product, and even added in some banana protein to enhance the stench. But alas, her ingenious enterprise was thwarted because she suffered very severe gas pains and thought she was having a heart attack....

Are you still using these poisons?
Arguably one of the greatest frauds committed by the food industry against the human race is the creation of artificial sweeteners. I say that because at no other time in our history have we encountered such deadly poisons being willingly consumed by the masses…while our “regulators” (the FDA) have apparently ignored the mounding evidence of their health dangers and have declared them “safe for the general population.” And the marketing angles are perfect! These...

Are you shortening your life in this way?
I’ll start your Wednesday with some shocking statistics. A recent JAMA study was conducted that showed children and teens get a whopping 67 percent (two-thirds) of their daily calories from highly processed foods! So, is it any wonder they’re depressed, can’t sit still or concentrate, and over half (54 percent) of them have at least one chronic disease? Adults are no better. Although as adults we “should” appreciate the importance of healthy food more...

Chill out! How to safely ease your anxiety now!
Currently, 40 million adult Americans suffer from occasional or regular bouts of anxiety. That’s about one out of five of us! As if that’s not bad enough, the prevalence of anxiety is increasing, and it’s affecting people at younger and younger ages. Currently, half of our mental health problems are established by age 14, and 75 percent by age 24! Now the question here is… [[big4]]Why are we so anxious to begin with?[[end]] There...
- Tags: Anxiety, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Processed food, Stress