5-part series: 5 Things You Must Do To Avoid An Early Death (Part 5)
The Final Part 5: Nourish your body I saved the best for last! This Final Part 5 of “5 Things You Must Do To Avoid An Early Death” is arguably the most important installment of this series. Because if your body isn’t getting and absorbing adequate nutrients, there is no way in heaven or on earth that you will stay disease-free and live as long as you should. While getting proper nourishment should be a...

Why is life expectancy dropping in the US?
According to the CDC, the US currently spends about $3.8 trillion every year on healthcare. That’s up a shocking 30 percent from the $2.6 trillion we spent back in 2009 (adjusted for inflation). So why is it that our rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and bone/joint disorders are either staying the same or going UP? With all that money being thrown at healthcare, shouldn’t we be seeing disease rates decreasing? And...
- Tags: Cancer, Diabetes, Inflammation, Processed food, Sugar

Don’t let these be a “pain in your butt” any longer!
When it comes to digestive issues, it is no secret that millions of people are suffering from GERD, acid reflux, constipation, diverticulitis, gas, and bloating. But there is another digestive problem that isn’t talked about as often, but it can be a royal pain in the butt…literally! I am talking about hemorrhoids! Even though you do not hear about them as often as other conditions, nonetheless, searches for the term “hemorrhoids” on Google have...

Don’t be bamboozled by this “healthy” alternative
You’ve probably heard me say this 1,000 times, but I’m going to make it 1,001 times: The farther you venture away from Nature with what you eat, the less nutritious (and more harmful) it is to your body. This is especially true when it comes to a current “fake food” craze that is growing in popularity… The Impossible Burger! Here’s what the Impossible Burger is really all about, and why you shouldn’t get fooled...

Do you sabotage your health like this?
In my professional practice, I’m sometimes entertained by the reactions I get when people consult with me about their health issues and the first question I ask them is, “How’s your diet?” I frequently get the deer-in-the-headlights look, or they look down at the floor. That good, huh? Now, most people know that eating wholesome nutritious foods is important for good health! But the problem is that there are sneaky little excuses that can...

10 foods you must avoid
I had a conversation with an acquaintance who told me she was in good health because: Her cholesterol was under control with Lipitor Her blood pressure stayed right around 120/80 with atenolol Nexium kept her acid reflux at bay Metformin brought her A1C down to under 6% THAT'S good health? This woman is anything BUT healthy. Sadly, people like this uber-medicated woman are increasingly common in our society today, and that includes our...