Holistic Blends Blog


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How you are being poisoned (and don’t know it)

How you are being poisoned (and don’t know it)

When someone hears the word “poison,” images of rattlesnakes, arsenic or cyanide come to mind…and certainly most of us try to stay away from those things!
But there is a significant, little-known source of poison that you are exposed to every single day.
Your food!
May 15, 2018 5 comments

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We’ve never seen this in the history of mankind!

We’ve never seen this in the history of mankind!

We are at a very unique time in our existence with respect to food and nutrients, and unfortunately, this is not a good thing.

In our grandparents’ day, one of the most prevalent concerns was not having enough food and the resulting nutrient deficiencies…in other words, being underfed and undernourished.

May 07, 2018 9 comments

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Study: Orange juice causes cancer?

Study: Orange juice causes cancer?

It seems every time I look at headline news, I feel like I’m reading the National Enquirer. 

Sensationalism.  Drama.  Fear-mongering.  Exaggeration.  And extremely one-sided, slanted reporting. 

The latest headline that caught my eye was all the above. 

“Study links common drink to skin cancer.”

May 04, 2018 4 comments

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Food isn’t food anymore—and you’re paying the price!

Food isn’t food anymore—and you’re paying the price!

I have a confession to make.   I’m an avid people watcher, especially in grocery stores.   Don’t let that creep you out—as a nutrition coach, I need to observe people’s food habits so I have an idea as to the extent of the diet atrocities I may be helping people with.
Jan 29, 2018 0 comments

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A little-known cause of obesity, colitis and more

A little-known cause of obesity, colitis and more

It shouldn’t be this way, but as a nation we have seriously screwed up something that should be relatively straightforward. Food!  Food simply isn’t what it used to be…plus one day you can read a study that says a certain food is bad, and the next day another study that says it’s healthy!
Nov 01, 2017 0 comments

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A disturbing trend that has to stop

A disturbing trend that has to stop

As a nation, we’ve reached a very disturbing point in our history.  Sickness and disease are now our norm and not the exception—even in our children! Seven out of 10 of us take at least one prescription medication daily, and one out of five of us takes at least two each day.

May 16, 2017 0 comments

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