Want to prevent cancer? Start here
When it comes to cancer, I see a lot of people being misled by cancer research organizations and the mainstream medical community and here’s why. First of all, let me remind you that since the 1971 “War on Cancer” was introduced by President Nixon, hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into various initiatives for cancer research to “find the cure”…and although some advances have been made in terms of diagnosis and treatment,...
- Tags: Cancer, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Immune Health

When your stomach ache isn’t a stomach ache
I think it’s safe to say most of us have had a stomach ache at one time or another in our lives. Unfortunately, for many people “one time or another” can turn into several times a week or even daily. Now, a stomach ache can have many underlying causes—ulcers, overeating, gastritis, medications (especially antibiotics), stress and food sensitivities can all be culprits behind your tummy troubles. But sometimes, “stomach” aches have nothing whatsoever to...

7 Steps to a long, disease-free life
I hate to say this, but if you are interested in living a long, disease-free life, our modern healthcare system is not the way to do it. I thought this last Friday as I was walking into a local medical center for my bi-weekly acupuncture session. All the people around me in the lobby were overweight, or could barely walk without pain, or looked like they were at death’s door. And of course, the...

Perpetually pooped? Packing on pounds? This could be why
Two of the most common health concerns people report to their doctors are gaining weight and losing energy. This Nutrition coach hears a lot of that too, by the way. But the problem is that trying to pinpoint the underlying cause of weight gain and low energy is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Could it be thyroid? Menopause? Nutrient deficiencies? Depression? Medication side effects? Not exercising enough? All good possibilities....
- Tags: Healthy Living, Hormones, Immune Health

A virus the media should be talking about
It’s hard to deny that viruses have been a topic of much discussion and media focus over the last several decades, with COVID-19 most recently, Zika, Ebola and H1N1 in the past, and certainly the flu emerges as a hot topic every fall. But there’s another MUCH more prevalent virus than any of those that is affecting up to 95 percent of Americans, but the mainstream media is completely mum on the subject! It’s...

Forget flu season—sugar season is upon us!
It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not referring to the fact that stores are displaying Christmas merchandise and the radio stations are playing nonstop holiday tunes—I’m talking about “flu season.” And you know what that means. Signs all over God’s green earth telling everyone to “Get their flu shot!” I also have noticed that there is a special maketing twist this year with respect to COVID. Now we’re hearing, “Protect yourself and...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living, Immune Health, Influenza, Sugar