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Could this be packing the belly fat on you?

Could this be packing the belly fat on you?

  Summer is fast approaching, and with it comes the two most dreaded words in the English language. Bathing suits.  There’s nothing like a bathing suit to perfectly accentuate the amount of belly fat you have accumulated. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you! Because there are ways to help melt away that belly blubber and get the nice, flat stomach you’ve always wanted. Let’s look at what’s causing that spare tire...

Apr 22, 2019 0 comments

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Make 2019 the year you finally lose that stubborn weight!

Make 2019 the year you finally lose that stubborn weight!

I just had a conversation with a woman who asked me what my New Year’s resolution was and I said I don’t have one. She seemed perplexed, but began complaining that she had been dieting like crazy since New Year’s and only lost 2 pounds.  Then she said to me, “You’re so lucky.  Look at how skinny you are.” Hold it right there. The lifestyle habits that I CHOOSE 365 days a year are what...

Jan 14, 2019 4 comments

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Avoiding this sugar could save your life

Avoiding this sugar could save your life

If there is one fact that rings true in the nutrition world, it’s that all sugars are NOT created equal!

That is particularly true when you’re talking about fructose and glucose.

Dec 03, 2018 2 comments

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Could these be making us obese?

Could these be making us obese?

Back when I was a health insurance underwriter in the mid-1980s, the adult obesity rate in this country was 10 percent (according to the CDC). Some states had rates as high as 14 percent, but the average was about 10.
We’re looking at nearly 40 PERCENT of adults, and about one out of five children!
It’s time we started asking ourselves what in the world is going on!
First let’s start with…
Nov 12, 2018 6 comments

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Diabetes now linked to these chronic conditions

Diabetes now linked to these chronic conditions

Currently in the US about 30 million people have diabetes, with the majority of those cases (90 – 95 percent) being type 2.

In addition, it is estimated that another 80 million have “pre-diabetes”--elevated blood glucose. 

And as the number of diabetes cases continues to rise, scientists are spending more time investigating its relationship to other conditions.

For example, past studies have shown that people with diabetes are more likely to report muscle or joint pain than nondiabetics.

But the latest study out of Denmark is more specific…and worrisome.

Oct 12, 2018 8 comments

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It’s Judgment Day for artificial sweeteners

It’s Judgment Day for artificial sweeteners

Slowly but surely the world is catching on that using chemical concoctions to sweeten food and beverages without adding calories will sooner or later come back to bite you in the derriere.   And all I can say is it’s about time.
Oct 09, 2018 10 comments

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