Holistic Blends Blog


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It’s Judgment Day for artificial sweeteners

It’s Judgment Day for artificial sweeteners

Slowly but surely the world is catching on that using chemical concoctions to sweeten food and beverages without adding calories will sooner or later come back to bite you in the derriere.   And all I can say is it’s about time.
Oct 09, 2018 10 comments

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Food labels—don’t be fooled by their tricks

Food labels—don’t be fooled by their tricks

The “Nutrition Facts” shown on food labels are supposed to give you useful information on the nutritional value of what you’re buying as well as disclose the ingredients, so you can decide if it’s right for you.  Unfortunately, it’s not that cut and dry.  Instead food manufacturers use several little tricks to mislead you, fool you or out and out lie to you to compel you to buy their products…even if that means jeopardizing your health!
Oct 01, 2018 3 comments

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This is a sure path to disease and death

This is a sure path to disease and death

Sadly, more and more of what we’re eating is not real food at all—it’s “stuff.”  Highly processed, loaded with chemicals, with lists of ingredients you can’t even pronounce and a far cry from anything that has ever appeared in Nature.

Sep 11, 2018 6 comments

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Always hungry?  Here’s why (and how to stop it)

Always hungry? Here’s why (and how to stop it)

I used to work with a guy who had a HUGE appetite (and as you might expect, a matching body frame). I remember him saying to me once at a party, “Sherry, I never get full—I just stop eating.” While we all laughed at the time, it’s really not a laughing matter for many people.
Aug 01, 2018 4 comments

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This has beat smoking as our #1 health wrecker

This has beat smoking as our #1 health wrecker

It’s no secret that smoking has caused countless deaths and illnesses, for both the smoker and those around them that are subjected to their second-hand smoke.
But for the first time in history smoking has been surpassed by another health wrecker that affects people of all ages.
Jul 11, 2018 0 comments

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Could you have diabetes in the making?

Could you have diabetes in the making?

Contrary to popular belief, rarely does a person wake up one day and POOF! they suddenly get struck with a disease that comes out of nowhere.  Even though learning that you have a disease can be shocking, trust me, it’s no surprise to your body.  Disease is created over time, step by step, as long as you continue to provide the right conditions for it to flourish.  And nowhere is this truer than with Type 2 diabetes

Jun 22, 2018 10 comments

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