Holistic Blends Blog


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Discover what’s causing your IBS—and end it for good!

Discover what’s causing your IBS—and end it for good!

  Let’s play an imagine game for a moment.  Imagine that you get gassy and bloated pretty much every time you eat.  Imagine almost never having a normal BM—you frequently have constipation, diarrhea or go back and forth between the two.  Imagine having cramps and abdominal pain no matter what you eat, and your pain is only relieved by passing volumes of gas or having a BM.  Imagine that all of the above have a...

Oct 27, 2023 2 comments

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I did this so I could sleep at night

I did this so I could sleep at night

  I’ve often been asked why I chose to earn my Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition versus traditional or mainstream nutrition.  Good question.  And the answer boils down to this:  I wanted to be able to sleep peacefully at night and look at myself in the mirror in the morning.  I also wanted to be able to speak the truth and not be criticized for it.  Here’s what I mean.  The nutrition industry (like many...

Oct 19, 2023 2 comments

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Awesome natural answers for digestive issues

Awesome natural answers for digestive issues

  If you’re among the 7 out of 10 people in the US who suffer from occasional or daily digestive problems, chances are excellent you’ve had Tums, Pepto Bismol or Rolaids as close companions.  Maybe you’ve even graduated to the big guns—Nexium, Zantac, Pepcid or Prilosec.  But these medications only cover up the problem, and not very well at that.  Plus they do absolutely NOTHING to help your digestive system work the way it’s supposed...

Oct 09, 2023 0 comments

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Are your bowel habits normal?  Here’s how to tell.

Are your bowel habits normal? Here’s how to tell.

  Ah, pooping.  Such a personal subject.  The intimate relationship between you, your toilet bowl and Charmin.    Bowel habits are typically not something that most people feel comfortable discussing, especially when the conversation centers on how often you go.  But it probably won’t surprise you that I believe it’s a VERY important topic of conversation, so let’s have a little chat about your Number twos.    Where do you fall on the spectrum?  Generally speaking, people...

Oct 04, 2023 2 comments

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What your sweat says about you!

What your sweat says about you!

  I recently passed a mixed martial arts (MMA) test for advanced green belt (the next level is brown belt!) and to say I was sweaty afterwards is a huge understatement.  I was telling all of my fellow MMA students after the test how my nickname in my prior 19 years of karate used to be “Sweaty Betty” and they got a big kick out of that!    All kidding aside, whether we like it or...

Oct 02, 2023 3 comments

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Feed disease or fight it—the choice is yours

Feed disease or fight it—the choice is yours

  As much as I would like to say otherwise, our current state of health is not “health” at all—it’s disease management.   If you doubt what I’m saying, then consider these disturbing facts:  7 out of 10 of us take at least one prescription medication per day  75 percent of us are overweight or obese  Over 60 percent of US adults have at least one chronic condition such as heart disease, cancer or Type 2...

Sep 25, 2023 0 comments

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