Promising hope for IBD sufferers


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Promising hope for IBD sufferers

Sep 28, 2018 2 comments
Promising hope for IBD sufferers

Although advances in medicine are being trumpeted every day, there’s not much to celebrate—because as a nation we’re getting sicker and sicker, and that includes our children! 

And one type of disease that has been growing exponentially over the last few decades and is affecting young and old alike is autoimmune diseases

With autoimmune diseases, your immune system goes haywire, overreacts, and strikes out against your healthy cells and organs, eventually harming them to the point where they can’t function properly or at all.

There have been 80 autoimmune diseases identified so far, and an increasingly common one with more than 3.1 million sufferers is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Colitis vs. Crohn’s—what’s the difference?

Both colitis and Crohn’s each spell MISERY in their own way.

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a continuous inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and/or rectum.  This chronic inflammation leads to poor digestion, explosive bowel movements (as many as 30 or more a day!) rectal bleeding and pain. 

Unlike UC which is confined to the large intestine, Crohn's can strike ANY area of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, but it usually affects the lower section of the small intestine (called the ileum).

The most common Crohn's symptoms include abdominal pain and explosive diarrhea.  You can also get fevers lasting 24-48 hours, canker sores, clubbed fingernails and be prone to intestinal blockages.

And since your small intestine is where most nutrient absorption takes place, Crohn’s sufferers experience poor nutrient absorption and are susceptible to weight loss, malnutrition and deficiency diseases.

Why so many inflamed guts?

So what’s causing our immune systems to go crazy and attack our guts to the point where 3.1 million of us have excruciating abdominal pain and explosive diarrhea?

Here are some possibilities:

1) Acid reducing medications

Your body has several natural barriers that prevent dangerous pathogens from getting into your bloodstream and aggravating your immune system.

One of your most important natural barriers is your stomach acid.

But when you use antacids or acid reducers, you are crippling this natural barrier and inviting dangerous organisms to get into circulation and taunt your immune system.

2) Intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is an intestinal environment where your harmful bacteria outnumber the friendly ones...and since this is where 80 percent of your immune system resides, that opens up the door for immune problems.

Numerous published studies link dysbiosis to autoimmune diseases, especially IBD.

3) Poor digestion

Improperly digested food molecules that aren't broken down thoroughly can burrow their way through your intestinal wall and get into your bloodstream.

Because these molecules are too large to be used for nourishment, your immune system can see them as an invader—even though they're food! -- and trigger an inflammatory response.

4) Vaccines

Vaccines are designed to force your immune system into creating antibodies to the particular virus(es) in the shot. 

But this is not the way your body was designed to develop immunity! 

Immunity is a complex, carefully orchestrated process involving your skin, saliva, and respiratory and digestive systems, and only when the virus passes through these filters is your immune system compelled to create antibodies if necessary.

So to inject a virus into your muscle tissue (which would never occur in Nature), bypass the other steps to immunity, and “taunt” the immune system to develop antibodies may serve to confuse the immune system in the long run and trigger it into overreacting.

Vaccines are strongly suspected to be one of the driving forces behind the fact that autoimmune diseases in children are increasing—since the recommended childhood vaccine schedule has tripled from 24 to 72 in the last 20 years.

Promising hope

The good news is you can safely and naturally help “put out the fires” of IBD and feel a whole lot better—FAST!

Here are three extremely helpful measures you can try:

1- Support proper digestion

Having proper digestion can make all the difference in the world to someone with colitis or Crohn’s!

When you support your body’s efforts to break down foods like it should, you are naturally helping to ease painful IBD attacks and the dreaded diarrhea that comes along with them. 

And the best part of all is that it’s easy to do!  All it takes is a few simple modifications to how you structure your meals. 

My Great Taste No Pain system will tell you everything you need to know about creating meals that are much easier for your system to digest.  Don’t worry—you’ll still be able to enjoy foods you love, plus you’ll fall in love with the scrumptious recipes in Great Taste No Pain too!

Thousands of our clients with IBD have been pleasantly surprised to downright shocked to see how effective it can be to help your body along by just making a few simple tweaks to your meals!

2- Ease inflammation

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are Nature’s anti-inflammatory, but unfortunately most of us are severely deficient in these crucial fats—and that can really spell trouble for someone with IBD inflammation!

We used to get a healthful dose of Omega-3 EFAs from the meat, milk and eggs from pasture-raised animals, since the grasses they ate were sources of Omega-3s. 

But now the animals for our food supply are grain-fed (many times with GMO grains to boot!)—which not only means they don’t give us the Omega-3 fats they used to, but they also are loaded with inflammation-stirring Omega-6 fats instead!

Plus processed foods and vegetable oils also stir up inflammation, and heaven knows we eat our share of those!

To make sure your body maintains a health-supporting level of Omega-3 EFAs, supplementation with a pure pharmaceutical-grade fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 is crucial.

VitalMega-3 provides a soothing 1,200 mg of anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats in every 2-capsule dose, including the Superstars EPA and DHA.

3- Limit the refined carbs

Refined carbs (like white bread, bagels, pastries, cookies, cakes, pasta) and sugars (including the big offender—SODA) feed harmful yeasts and microbes in your gut, which can stir up dysbiosis (and inflammation!). 

On the other hand, fresh vegetables and fermented foods (like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, pickles, kombucha, raw cheese and yogurt) help to nourish your microbiome’s beneficial bacteria and keep it in a healthier balance. 

Fight back against colitis and Crohn’s safely and naturally, and start feeling a whole lot better now.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hello Renae! Thank you for your comment. Sherry wanted to include an effect vaccines may have on the immune system, and is not intended to be a judgement on all vaccine safety. We recommend that if you have concerns about the level of safety of a vaccine, that you read the package insert in its entirety, including all possible adverse effects. We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • I really enjoy reading these but am disappointed in the vaccine bashing that I’m reading. Are you saying you think there are no safe vaccines out there? I worry about the affect of having a non vaccinated generation. Don’t want to go back to families wiped out by disease treatable with vaccination.

    Renae on

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