Little-known signs of Vitamin D deficiency


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Little-known signs of Vitamin D deficiency


Today is the final day to save a whopping $7 off per bottle of our outstanding Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B! 

Up until about 120 years ago, sickness and disease were viewed as something that stemmed from an intrinsic cause—in other words, some type of imbalance in the body. 

Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, recognized this.  He knew that most diseases have their roots in nutritional deficiencies, and he helped his patients regain their health safely and naturally with nutrients. 

Although some drugs existed, they were used only on very rare occasions.   

Well, Modern Medicine has done a complete 180 since then. 

Now most doctors pay no attention to a patient’s diet, we are told that scientists don’t know what causes disease, and anyone that dares to question the modern medical dogma or explore natural measures is labeled a crackpot.    

And we are like well-behaved “Sheeple” lining up at the pharmacy and getting sicker and fatter and wondering why. 

Conditions associated with Vitamin D deficiency 

Although deficiency in any nutrient can lead to sickness and disease, one nutrient that really stands out is Vitamin D. 

Now, most people realize that Vitamin D supports strong bones (protecting against osteoporosis and tooth loss) and helps fight various cancers (especially colorectal cancer, and breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers), but that’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how being low in D can affect your health. 

Here are several other conditions that are associated with Vitamin D deficiency, and sadly I’d be willing to bet that most doctors never even bring up the subject of Vitamin D with their patients. 


Obese men, women, and children are 35 percent more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D than non-obese people, plus they are 24 percent more likely to be D deficient than people who are merely overweight (not obese). 


Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own organs and tissues.   

It is associated with Vitamin D deficiency for 2 reasons—One, lupus patients are often advised to stay out of the sun (which is how our bodies make Vitamin D!) and two, they are typically prescribed corticosteroids, which are also linked to low levels of D. 

PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome) 

Vitamin D supplementation was found in a 2017 study published in Gynecological Endocrinology to reduce the prevalence of PMS and dysmenorrhea (severe menstrual cramps).   It also had positive effects on the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS. 

Female incontinence 

Vitamin D is crucial for muscle strength, so deficiency can contribute to weakness in the pelvic floor—the layer of muscle that supports the bladder, vagina, uterus, and rectum.  This can lead to pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence in women. 


A 2020 study published in Depression and Anxiety found that people suffering from depression who received Vitamin D supplements experienced improvement in their symptoms.  

UTIs (Urinary tract infections) 

Vitamin D helps prevent infections of all types by helping our bodies produce natural antibiotics, and this especially applies to UTIs.  Studies have shown that women who suffered from recurrent UTIs have lower levels of Vitamin D than women who didn't. 

Alopecia and hair loss in women 

Women with female pattern hair loss have been shown to have significantly lower levels of Vitamin D than those without hair loss.  This is largely because Vitamin D is crucial for hair cycling and helps push hair from its resting phase to the growing phase.  

In addition, researchers in Turkey found that patients with alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that attacks follicles and can cause hair loss all over the body), had significantly lower levels of Vitamin D than those without the condition.  The lower the D levels, the more severe their disease. 

Preterm birth 

Studies have shown that women with higher levels of Vitamin D had a lower risk of giving birth before 37 weeks.  

Asthma and eczema 

People with asthma who have a Vitamin D deficiency have been shown in studies to be 25 percent more likely to suffer acute attacks and to need to consult a doctor more frequently for their asthma. 

In addition, Vitamin D is known to have a regulatory effect on both the immune system and skin barrier function, which are critical in the development of eczema.  Lower serum Vitamin D levels have been associated with increased incidence and severity of eczema symptoms. 

Heart disease 

Heart disease and Vitamin D deficiency go hand in hand. Numerous studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency can increase blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Could you be running low?   

Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common, especially in the northern hemisphere this time of year where people have less exposure to sunlight –so their bodies can’t always make Vitamin D. 

And even if you are exposed to regular sunlight, if you wear sunscreen, that blocks your body’s Vitamin D production. 

Also, as we get older our skin doesn’t produce as much Vitamin D in response to sun exposure. At the same time, our kidneys become less efficient at converting Vitamin D into the form used by the body as we age. 

Plus food sources of Vitamin D are very limited, so your diet typically doesn’t give you nearly what you need. 

So chances are excellent you’re coming up short! 

It’s easy to make sure you have enough! 

To help ensure you have health-supporting levels of this nutritional Superstar, it’s wise to supplement with an outstanding product like Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B. 

In addition to getting an impressive 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in each capsule, you’ll also get the added benefit of Vitamins K1 (500 mcg) and K2 (50 mcg).   

Like Vitamin D, Vitamin K also provides bone support. Several studies have shown that Vitamin K supplementation was associated with a reduced risk of fractures.  It also helps prevent atherosclerosis by keeping calcium out of your artery linings where it can cause damage.  

But that’s not all. 

Because Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B goes beyond other Vitamin D supplements by including the mineral boron, which further supports strong bone, immune and cardiovascular health. 

Let Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B give your body the disease protection it deserves, so you can pave the way for optimal health into your golden years! 

And take advantage of the special $7 off per bottle while you’re at it! 

To your health, 

Sherry Brescia 

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1 comment

  • I cannot find my code that I normally use when ordering. I know today is the last day to order the D-K supplement in fact it is in my cart right now. Just need a code.
    I have shopped on this website for 20 years.

    Fran Bauer on

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