2,000 Nutrients you might be missing
Most people are aware that a healthy diet of real foods provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, glucose and fiber that your body needs. And it's virtually impossible for a supplement to cover ALL bases as far as those nutrients are concerned. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.
- Tags: Digestive Health, Healthy Eating

Are you missing these warning signs of early death?
Most times when something isn’t right inside of us, we get warning signs. But sometimes the signs we get are more vague …so we might not think there’s a problem, yet nothing could be farther from the truth. This is especially true when you’re talking about liver problems. Here’s why.
- Tags: Disease, Liver Health

Another failure of modern medicine
I met with a client yesterday afternoon (I’ll call her Maddie) who reported being under significant stress. She’s putting on weight, having trouble sleeping, she’s gassy all the time and craves carbs like crazy. Her periods are extremely heavy and painful, and she suffers from migraines. She also catches every cold and bug around. From a holistic perspective, here is what I suspect is going on:

What you don’t know about flu shots
You can tell that fall is here because all the local pharmacies have huge signs telling you to “GET YOUR FLU SHOT!” Although most doctors and pharmacies push flu shots as your best protection against the flu, the actual statistics say otherwise. Let’s take a closer look at what you probably don’t know, but must know, about flu shots.
- Tags: Immune Health, Probiotic, Vitamin D

Could this be your fountain of youth?
Aging is a certainty and time marches on for all of us. But the good news is there are many ways you can help counteract the effects of aging, slow the process, and feel great into your golden years! Here are 7 ways you can fight back at that biological clock!
- Tags: Aging, Anti-aging

8 Sneaky reasons you’re always tired
We all have days when we’re tired, whether it’s due to staying up late, fighting an illness or working long hours. But when being tired becomes your norm and not the exception, then it’s time to look and see what’s going on. Here are 8 possible reasons why you’re always tired, along with ways you can start feeling more energized—fast!
- Tags: Healthy Living, Immune Health, Sleep