REAL heart disease prevention (without statins!)
February is Heart Health Month. Unfortunately, much of the hoopla that will be bombarding us this month has very little to do with actual heart health! As usual, we’ll all be reminded to wear red, to control our cholesterol with statins, and avoid saturated fats while using “heart healthy” vegetable oils. What a crock of BS. Let me tell you what this really means: 1- Drug companies get richer. Note that statins have NEVER,...
- Tags: Heart Health, Omega-3 fatty acids, Statins, Vitamin D, Vitamin K

Dirty little secrets I bet you don’t know
Today’s blog is going to take a different twist. Because I’m not going to talk about a health issue and how to naturally feel better. But I am going to impart crucial information that you might not know, but must know, because it can affect your decisions, your health and quite possibly your life. I’ll start with… The dirty little secrets of pharmaceutical companies Pharmaceutical companies would love nothing more than to have everyone...

Bet your doctor never mentioned this to you!
I’m a bit fired up today, so be prepared. Modern medicine has done a complete bloody disservice to untold numbers of people over the last 100 years or so. Why would that be? Well, it’s not because of a shortage of medications—all you need to do is watch TV in the US for 30 minutes and you’ll see at least 3-4 drug commercials. There are plenty to choose from. We’re not lacking in new...
- Tags: Cancer, Depression, Heart Health, Immune Health, Vitamin D, Vitamin K

5 Ways to Prevent Our Top 2 Killers
My, how February has risen in prominence. It used to be most well-known for Valentine’s Day and then in later years, Presidents Day. (I guess you can count Groundhog Day too if you’d like—Punxsutawney Phil would be pleased.) Well, February has stepped up even more, because not only is it National Cancer Prevention Month, but it’s recognized as American Heart Month as well. Who knew that humble February—the month during which I would officially...
- Tags: Cancer, Disease, Heart Health, VitalMega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin K

I have a secret to tell you
I have a little secret to share with you. Today is my birthday, and not only that, this is my LAST birthday in the 50s. Gulp! And while knocking on the door of 60 may sound a little scary on the surface, I honestly feel great! I’m still running every week, doing full-contact karate sparring (fighting men), and enjoying a consistent high level of energy. Plus I recently got mistaken as my daughter’s sister...

Without this, you’re at high risk for heart disease
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, hopefully you know that vitamin D is crucial to help prevent heart disease—our number 1 killer. Heart disease is largely caused by inflammation, and vitamin D’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce your risk. But there’s another nutrient that’s just as important to protect against heart disease, although most people aren’t even aware of it. Vitamin K! Here’s why: [[big4]]Vitamin K—vitamin D’s special partner[[end]] It’s important...
- Tags: Healthy Living, Heart Health, Vitamin K