Holistic Blends Blog


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Surprising causes (and real answers!) for depression

Surprising causes (and real answers!) for depression

  Depression affects nearly 350 million people worldwide, and those numbers have continued to rise over the last several decades. As a matter of fact, depression is now the #1 leading cause of disability, replacing chronic back pain and arthritis. Recently, it’s gotten even worse—during the COVID-19 lockdowns it was estimated that US cases of depression nearly tripled! Depression is very difficult to treat because it’s not a “cut-and-dry” illness…and sadly that means many people...

Feb 03, 2021 1 comment

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10 Ways to boost your energy fast!

10 Ways to boost your energy fast!

  I’m going to go out on a limb today and guess that you don’t always have nearly the level of energy that you’d like to have. Fair statement? It’s not surprising.  Lacking energy is one of the most common reasons that people consult their doctors.  But what makes this challenging is that there are many potential reasons why you may be resembling Dagwood Bumstead on a regular basis. So it’s important to figure out...

May 25, 2020 2 comments

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How to (finally) stop craving carbs

How to (finally) stop craving carbs

  As I chatted with many of the people who came to see me speak at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo this past weekend in the Chicago area one concern rang loud and clear above all others... HOW CAN I STOP CRAVING CARBS?!! But my message to them and you is this:  Never fear!  Because you CAN break the carb craving cycle!  Here’s what you need to know: [[big4]]All carbs are not created equal[[end]] While...

Oct 28, 2019 2 comments

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