Gaining weight? Low libido? Fatigued? This could be why.
A disturbing phenomenon has been increasing in our society over the last few decades, resulting in a myriad of unexplained symptoms and complaints. These can include things like weight gain, low libido, depression, fatigue, insomnia, and digestive problems. And if you go to a doctor with one or more of these complaints, you likely will be given medications such as antidepressants, sleep drugs or acid reducers. But this only multiplies your problems! Because in addition...
- Tags: Digestive Health, Healthy Eating, Hormones, Stress

Do you have this stomach cancer risk factor?
There is a certain bacterial infection that has been around for an incredible 200,000 years and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down yet. It’s VERY contagious and affects a staggering 66 percent of the world’s population (2 out of 3 of us). In the vast majority of cases (90 percent), there are no symptoms at all, so most people who have contracted it don’t even know it. But that doesn’t mean it’s...

Do you have this risk factor for heart disease?
As you are probably aware (or if not, you should be), one of the biggest, deadliest and most common risk factors for COVID complications as well as increasing your risk of heart disease, heart attack, kidney disease and even blindness is: Diabetes. And when it comes to diabetes, our numbers are downright frightening. According to the CDC, currently about 133 million Americans (that’s an unprecedented 40 percent of us!) have diabetes or pre-diabetes (elevated...
- Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Exercise, Glucose, Stress

Do you have high levels of this “silent killer”?
April is Stress Awareness Month. While I think most of us are pretty well aware of stress, I suspect many people might not know just how harmful it can be, especially when it’s chronic and ongoing. Although the medical community calls high blood pressure the “silent killer,” I think that term better applies to stress, since stress is something we ALL deal with. Let’s look at what stress really is, all the ways it...

Got belly fat? Here’s how to get rid of it!
With nearly seventy percent of Americans currently being overweight or obese, I think it’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of belly fat around. But is all belly fat created equal? And what’s driving this epidemic of spare tires and muffin tops? Is it just that we’re eating too much? Or is there more to it than that? Let’s look at several factors that are behind our “blossoming bellies” and more importantly, how you...

Surprising health benefits of chocolate (plus a recipe)
Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s a day known for romance, flowers, and… Chocolate! Now, many people have a love/hate relationship with chocolate in that they love it, but hate the fact that it can pack the pounds on you. Well, here’s the thing—when you have a regular diet of wholesome real foods (and stay away from junk and fast foods), you CAN enjoy an occasional sweet treat like chocolate and not pay the price! Plus...
- Tags: Brain Health, Exercise, Healthy Living, Heart Health, Immune Health, Recipes, Stress