The deadly health threat that you never hear about
This probably won’t surprise you, but I’ve long stopped watching mainstream media news because it disgusts me. Talk about fear mongering, sensationalism and drama—some of these well-groomed puppets ought to win Academy Awards. And the thing is, they will only talk about what their pharma and special interest sponsors allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is slanted or swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers. Well,...
- Tags: Antibiotics, General Health, Healthy Eating, Immune Health, Sleep, Stress, Vitamin D

What your doctor doesn’t know about high blood pressure
Note that the hypertension population got a big “boost” back in 2017 when the high blood pressure threshold was changed from 140/90 down to 130/80. When that occurred, the percentage of American adults with hypertension jumped from 32 percent under the old guidelines up to nearly 46 percent!

Seven ways you may be raising your cancer risk
There are few words that inspire more fear and dread than: CANCER. I think it’s safe to say that most people wouldn’t cherish the thought of having to face cancer…and would want to do everything they could to avoid having their number come up in the cancer lottery. Problem is that many people are rolling out the red carpet for our number two killer and don’t even know it! Here are seven ways that...
- Tags: Cancer, Exercise, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Sleep, Stress, Sugar

How to stay healthy and happy through the holidays
Thanksgiving is next week, so it’s safe to say the holidays are upon us! And while they should be a festive time, sadly, for many people they are instead filled with sickness or depression (or both). But there are some very good reasons why that happens. First, the holidays bring about stress for a lot of people. Stress can cause a domino effect of physical and mental issues which can quickly turn a joyous...

My Veteran’s Day message to you
Today we celebrate Veteran’s Day, and while it may be easy to merely see it as a day off for some people, its meaning is much deeper than that. Were it not for the incredibly brave and selfless men and women who were willing to fight and sacrifice their lives for our freedoms, our lives would likely look very different today. And even if these courageous service men and women were fortunate enough to...
- Tags: Mental Health, Omega-3 fatty acids, PTSD, Stress

If you have a decent diet, do you need a multi-vitamin?
Now there is a good question that does not have a simple answer! It used to be that most people who had a “balanced diet” did not have much of a need for a multi-vitamin, since they would usually get what their bodies needed from their foods. Multi-vitamins were primarily for people whose diets were less-than-stellar, or perhaps people who for a variety of reasons were not able to fully absorb or use nutrients...