Are you doomed by your family history?
Modern medicine has historically placed a large emphasis on family history (i.e.: someone’s genes) as a strong predictor of whether or not a person will develop a disease. Think about any time you’ve ever gone to a doctor and had to fill out health history paperwork—they always ask if your grandparents, parents or siblings have had cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Well, now evidence is showing that family history is not the be all...

5 Sherry Brescia-isms and 1 exciting announcement
(Labor Day Sale continues! $10 off Super Shield) I have a little secret to share with you this morning. I turned 60 years old on Tuesday, August 30th! While the thought of turning 60 may scare some people, it didn’t bother me at all! But that’s largely because I’ve consistently worked toward good health for my entire adult life, and I feel great! That includes eating healthy, supplementing as necessary, working out regularly and...

Incredible probiotic benefits you’ve never heard of
At this point, most people know that probiotics are beneficial to their health…but they just aren’t aware of HOW beneficial they can be! Probiotics have earned a solid reputation for helping with gas, bloating and constipation—that’s pretty well-known. And more people are catching on that they encourage strong immune function too. Between 70-80 percent of your immune system is located in your gut microbiome, so probiotics help support that precious immune system! But that’s...

Why are we seeing so much aggression and violence?
This question popped into my head as I was driving north on I-95 the other day and witnessed at least five instances of road rage or extremely aggressive driving. I swear in one case it looked like a car was trying to run another one off the road! Of course acts of aggression and violence are not limited to people driving on highways. Practically every day there are reports of another shooting, mass shooting,...

Do you have this stomach cancer risk factor?
There is a certain bacterial infection that has been around for an incredible 200,000 years and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down yet. It’s VERY contagious and affects a staggering 66 percent of the world’s population (2 out of 3 of us). In the vast majority of cases (90 percent), there are no symptoms at all, so most people who have contracted it don’t even know it. But that doesn’t mean it’s...

Gut on fire? Do what you need to do to stop it!
It amazes me when people complain about gut aches, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, you-name-it, yet at the same time they are completely unwilling and resistant to doing what they need to do in order to feel better. They want so desperately to just eat the way they’ve always eaten, yet somehow magically feel great. I recently saw a comment from a member (I’ll call him “Bill”) of a Facebook digestive health support group that’s the...