How to have shiny hair and beautiful skin
Lotions. Creams. Shampoos. Conditioners. Rinses. Scrubs. Cleansers. Toners. You-name-it.
While these products can help improve the appearance of your skin and hair, the real key to glowing, soft skin and shiny, silky hair comes from within.

We’ve never seen this in the history of mankind!
We are at a very unique time in our existence with respect to food and nutrients, and unfortunately, this is not a good thing.
In our grandparents’ day, one of the most prevalent concerns was not having enough food and the resulting nutrient deficiencies…in other words, being underfed and undernourished.

10 Reasons you should be taking fish oil

Do you know these heart attack warning signs?
Today is a rather somber day for me. Forty years ago today my Dad died of a massive heart attack. I was only 15 years old, and at the time, my level of understanding was that a heart attack was just something that happens to an unlucky person.

The 10 worst inflammatory foods you should avoid

The incredible shrinking brain nutrient
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that most people would not want to deliberately harm their brain. Well, the problem is the average person is doing EXACTLY that--hurting their brain and greatly compromising its ability to function--day in and day out.