Why modern medicine is an abysmal failure
I once had a client who was a textbook illustration of the failure of modern medicine. He came to me reporting a medical history of fainting episodes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heartburn. He said his medications included these: Ranitidine (for heartburn) Hydrochlorothiazide (for hypertension) Amlodipine (for hypertension) Atorvastatin (for cholesterol) After talking with him about his fainting episodes and reviewing his diet record, I began to suspect that he was allergic to...

Do you take fish oil? Here’s 12 reasons why you should!
A study was recently conducted by researchers out of Harvard that determined a group of 12 risk factors that were considered preventable causes of death. Unsurprisingly, high blood pressure and smoking were ranked right up at the top. But coming in at a significant number 6 was an Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency! Although this may be a surprise to some people, it really shouldn’t be, and it makes sense. Because people of ALL ages...

Could this be the magic answer to a longer life?
I am going to go out on a limb today and say that most of us don’t want a visit from the grim reaper anytime soon. As a matter of fact, I suspect what the majority of people would say when asked what’s most important to them is good health and a long life! Well, that’s certainly what our bodies were designed to achieve. Nature did not intend for you to be diseased, medicated,...

10 ways to stop back pain without dangerous drugs
I’m very excited to announce that my daughter Danielle is getting married this weekend! It’s hard to believe my baby (and my firstborn) is all grown up…and yes, I will be shedding many tears! There will be a party at my house, so needless to say, I’ve been running around like a madwoman this past week cleaning, doing yardwork and decorating. So…I wasn’t entirely surprised when I got some back pain last night. Even...

12 Reasons why you should be taking fish oil
VitalMega-3 fish oil formula is now a whopping $10 off per bottle! Stock up now! A very interesting study was conducted by researchers out of Harvard that examined a group of 12 dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors that were considered “preventable causes of death.” As you would expect, smoking and high blood pressure were ranked at the top. But coming in at number 6 was Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency! It’s not hard to see...

Can’t sleep at night? Pepsi to the rescue!
Well, now I’ve officially seen it all. To apparently compensate for slumping soda sales, PepsiCo (maker of Pepsi Cola, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc.) has come up with an idea for a drink to help consumers de-stress and unwind before they go to bed. It’s a functional water beverage called “Driftwell” that contains 200 mg of L-theanine (a non-essential amino acid) and 10 percent of the RDA for magnesium. The drink comes in 7.5...
- Tags: Healthy Living, Omega-3 fatty acids, Sleep, Stress