I have a story to share with you from my past
June is National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, and that brings back a painful story from my past. You may recall me mentioning in my writings that my Dad died of a heart attack at age 58 when I was 15. But in addition to his poor cardiovascular health, he was also an alcoholic. I didn’t know what was going on with him—I was just angry and resentful because I couldn’t have...
- Tags: Brain Health, Mental Health, PTSD

My Veteran’s Day message to you
Today we celebrate Veteran’s Day, and while it may be easy to merely see it as a day off for some people, its meaning is much deeper than that. Were it not for the incredibly brave and selfless men and women who were willing to fight and sacrifice their lives for our freedoms, our lives would likely look very different today. And even if these courageous service men and women were fortunate enough to...
- Tags: Mental Health, Omega-3 fatty acids, PTSD, Stress

Why are we seeing so much aggression and violence?
This question popped into my head as I was driving north on I-95 the other day and witnessed at least five instances of road rage or extremely aggressive driving. I swear in one case it looked like a car was trying to run another one off the road! Of course acts of aggression and violence are not limited to people driving on highways. Practically every day there are reports of another shooting, mass shooting,...

I have an interesting story to tell you
In addition to what I believe to be sound dietary advice, one of the most common recommendations that I give to my clients and readers is to: Get some form of regular exercise! Trust me, that doesn’t win me any popularity contests. Exercise is loathsome to a lot of people, and many will do just about anything to avoid it. But I nonetheless continue to fervently tell people to exercise…even if my words fall...

Do you have high levels of this “silent killer”?
April is Stress Awareness Month. While I think most of us are pretty well aware of stress, I suspect many people might not know just how harmful it can be, especially when it’s chronic and ongoing. Although the medical community calls high blood pressure the “silent killer,” I think that term better applies to stress, since stress is something we ALL deal with. Let’s look at what stress really is, all the ways it...

How to keep your brain sharp (and a fun quiz!)
Back when my dear mother was still in a nursing home (prior to her passing in 2015 at age 94), every time I would visit her, I would pop my head into the doorway of her room and say, “Hi Mom! How are you?” She would always respond, “Well, Sher, I hurt from head to toe (with arthritis), but I still know who you are!” Ah yes, age-related cognitive decline is a very real...