The deadly health threat that you never hear about
This probably won’t surprise you, but I’ve long stopped watching mainstream media news because it disgusts me. Talk about fear mongering, sensationalism and drama—some of these well-groomed puppets ought to win Academy Awards. And the thing is, they will only talk about what their pharma and special interest sponsors allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is slanted or swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers. Well,...
- Tags: Antibiotics, General Health, Healthy Eating, Immune Health, Sleep, Stress, Vitamin D

Can we get close and personal today?
I’ve been in the health and nutrition field for over 30 years and one thing I can say with full confidence is that people are inherently resistant to change. I can’t tell you the number of times I have consulted with a client and talked about all the wonderful health improvements they can experience… But as soon as I mention changing their diet, I get the doe in the headlights look. Or worse yet,...

Trouble sleeping? Don’t do this!
Back in the early 70s when I was a kid there was a song by the 5th Dimension called “(Last night) I didn’t get to sleep at all,” sung beautifully by the immensely talented Marilyn McCoo. While the idea behind the song is her inability to sleep because her love interest was on her mind, one line of the song that is particularly intriguing is the one where she sings, “The sleeping pill I...
- Tags: Healthy Living, Immune Health, Medications, Sleep

Could this substance be causing your gut aches?
When it comes to digestive distress, the potential causes can run the gamut. Processed foods, enzyme insufficiency, lacking a gallbladder, imbalanced microbiome, certain medications, leaky gut, stress and food allergies/intolerances are some of the possible culprits. But there’s another cause that most people are not even aware of. It’s a substance that occurs naturally in many foods, but chances are good that you’ve never even heard of it…and yet it may be affecting you...

This can either save your life or kill you
When faced with the unsettling news that they have a disease, many people are taken aback and swear that it just “came out of nowhere.” Trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. Disease is not a sneaky monster that lurks in the shadows and waits for its opportunity to bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. No, my friend—disease is slowly CREATED, and although there are many factors that determine whether your...

Stop using artificial sweeteners! Here’s why.
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, you probably know where I stand on the topic of artificial sweeteners. In case you’re not sure, let me clarify: They are POISON. And the fact that they have been so widely used for decades proves once again that advertising works. In this case, these toxic powders have been positioned as a dieter’s dream, even though they are associated with weight GAIN—not loss! They’ve...