What does your tongue say about your health?
Modern medicine uses a very pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “troublesome spot.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and systems...

The best, most delicious cancer fighting foods!
As you probably know, I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events, especially when they revolve around health issues like cancer. Whether you know it or not, most of the money raised in cancer awareness events goes to drug and genetic research. We’ve spent trillions of dollars in cancer research since President Nixon declared his “War on Cancer” in 1971. But it remains our #2 killer. Clearly, we’re dropping the ball somewhere. While it’s...

One thing you simply cannot ignore!
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 42-year career in the health field, it’s this: Our bodies are FAR smarter than we give them credit for, and your body will let you know what it needs and when it needs it. The key here is that you have to listen! For example, when your body needs nutrients, you feel hunger. When it needs rest, you feel tired. When it’s repairing an injury,...

How cholesterol became wrongly demonized
I would dare say that there is no subject in this world that is as falsely portrayed and poorly understood as cholesterol. The extent of most people’s understanding of cholesterol is that it’s the demon that clogs arteries and leads to heart disease, and the magic number to strive for is 200. And if your blood tests show you’re in the elevated range, welcome to the world of statins. But how did we...

Have you been misled? Take this quiz to find out!
In a perfect world, the best information on how to stay healthy and prevent disease would be all around us. No matter what health agency or practitioner you consulted, their advice would be truthful and centered on safety and effectiveness, with no influence or bias in any way. Hopefully, you realize we don’t live in a perfect world and much of the information we are exposed to is at best not 100 percent accurate...

A quick hello & a GREAT recipe!
Hi Everyone: Danielle Moon here, Sherry’s daughter and VP of Holistic Blends. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to start blogging for you! Don’t worry – Sherry will still be your regular writer, but I’ll be popping in once in a while to share recipes, ideas, and experiences with our products. Before I get to my first recipe, I’ll tell you a little about me. I’m 36 years old, and I hold a...