Do you take fish oil? Here’s 12 reasons why you should!
A study was recently conducted by researchers out of Harvard that determined a group of 12 risk factors that were considered preventable causes of death. Unsurprisingly, high blood pressure and smoking were ranked right up at the top. But coming in at a significant number 6 was an Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency! Although this may be a surprise to some people, it really shouldn’t be, and it makes sense. Because people of ALL ages...

What the media won’t tell you about sunscreens
It has been said that there are two certainties in life—death and taxes. I’ll add one more onto that—the fact that advertising works. Very well. One motivator in particular that has been shown to work like a charm in the media is FEAR! There’s nothing quite like scaring the beejuzus out of someone, then selling a product as the magic answer to protect them from the dreaded outcome. And when it comes to sunscreens,...
- Tags: Cancer, General Health, Hair and Skin, Healthy Living, Toxins, Vitamin D

This disease fighter is almost too good to be true!
You know the old saying that goes, “If it sounds too good to be true it probably is”? Most times that’s sage advice because you may be missing something or getting deceived in some way! But that’s not always the case. Because every once in a while, something comes along that really is THAT GOOD and hard as it may be to conceive, it’s the truth! A perfect example of this is the spice...

The real key to beautiful hair and glowing skin
All you have to do is step into any grocery, drug or department store to see that the personal care industry is B-I-G business. Entire aisles and store sections are devoted to an array of lotions, creams, shampoos, conditioners, cleansers, toners, scrubs, etc. And the manufacturers of these products know darn well that people are willing to spend copious amounts of money and do practically anything to look good. I swear that a personal...
- Tags: Antioxidants, Hair and Skin, Healthy Living

Surprising causes (& remedies) for acne
I don't think I’d be shocking you today if I said that the health of your GI tract has a major effect on whether or not you suffer from problems like acid reflux, constipation, gas or bloating. You might also remember that your gut houses most your immune system, which helps protect you against infections, viruses and diseases. But here's something that might NOT occur to you. The health of your gut can also...

How to have younger-looking skin (without Botox)
I once spoke at a “Healthy Living” event that I will never forget because most everything I saw around me was anything BUT healthy. The exhibit hall was filled with displays of muscle-building (yet very processed) foods, drink powders (that hinted at being a substitute for a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables), fad diet shakes and pills, and most significantly…LOTS of people (mainly women) who have obviously had several Botox treatments. I’m not...
- Tags: Aging, Anti-aging, Hair and Skin, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living