Do you poop too much? How to tell
Constipation is a pretty common digestive issue for many people, but what about if you are facing the complete opposite of that?
Is it possible that you could be pooping too MUCH?
Let’s look and see how your BMs measure up, and whether there is such a thing as too much poop!
- Tags: Digestive Health, Healthy Eating
Don’t do this for your New Year’s resolution
While the subjects of people's New Year's resolutions can run the gamut, far and away, the most common are related to health. Unfortunately, many people are doomed before they start because they have an instant gratification mindset. Sure, they want to feel better, have more energy, get in shape or lose weight. But if it all doesn’t happen by January 15th, they’re done!
Too many rich holiday foods? Here’s how to feel better fast!
Are you caught in this unhealthy trap?
- Tags: Digestive Health, Immune Health
10 Surprising signs of digestive problems
When the average person hears the words “digestive problems” visions of gas, heartburn and burping come to mind.
But sometimes digestive problems don’t come out as digestive symptoms! Instead they can be something totally different that you would never associate to your GI tract.
Here are 10 sneaky signs of digestive problems that you should start paying attention to:
End Thanksgiving indigestion and a great pie recipe!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!
And while I hope we remember to give sincere thanks for all our blessings and reach out to those less fortunate, let’s face it, we’re all going to be busy eating one heck of a meal!
Unfortunately, many will be paying the price afterwards!
Gas, bloating, heartburn, flatulence, you-name-it.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here’s why.
- Tags: Digestive Health, Healthy Eating, Recipes