Stop the cycle of manipulation now!
I rarely watch TV, but after getting a taste of a morning news program while I was waiting to have blood drawn recently, I decided to conduct a little experiment and watch an hour of mainstream news. All I can say is it was sickening, and I couldn’t even make it a full hour. And I’m not even talking about the sensationalism and fear mongering oozing from the actors, er, I mean newscasters. That’s...

This sly deficiency can cause a slew of health problems!
I have been told many times that my approach as a nutrition coach is somewhat unconventional. Because I don’t just meet with a client and give them a list of foods to eat and foods to stay away from (depending on their particular health issue). Instead, I start by asking, “How’s your digestion?” “Are you often gassy and bloated?” and “Do you ‘go’ everyday?” Most times I get the deer in the headlights look....

Could this be causing your gas and heartburn?
I think it’s safe to say that we have no shortage of people who are bloated, belching, burping, blocked up, and can play the Star-Spangled Banner with their flatulence. In fact, an astonishing 74 percent (three out of four) of us suffer either occasional or chronic (as in every day) digestive problems. The pharmaceutical industry squeals with delight as they tally up the profits from their sales of laxatives, stool softeners, acid reducers, antacids,...

When run-of-the-mill acid reflux becomes deadly
If you’re one of the 66 million people in the US with acid reflux, you know the misery it causes. This can go WAY beyond a 4-alarm fire in your chest and include chest pain, regurgitation, coughing, difficulty swallowing and sore throat. But there’s another consequence of acid reflux that is far worse than belching or sleeping propped up on pillows. Barrett’s esophagus. Let’s look at this silent and potentially deadly condition, as well...

Gut on fire? Do what you need to do to stop it!
It amazes me when people complain about gut aches, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, you-name-it, yet at the same time they are completely unwilling and resistant to doing what they need to do in order to feel better. They want so desperately to just eat the way they’ve always eaten, yet somehow magically feel great. I recently saw a comment from a member (I’ll call him “Bill”) of a Facebook digestive health support group that’s the...

Would you sell your farts in a jar?
I heard a story on the radio last night about a reality TV star named Stephanie Matto who apparently made over $200,000 selling jars of her farts. She allegedly ate lots of beans and eggs to help, er, “manufacture” her product, and even added in some banana protein to enhance the stench. But alas, her ingenious enterprise was thwarted because she suffered very severe gas pains and thought she was having a heart attack....