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Type 2 diabetes—what you need to know

Type 2 diabetes—what you need to know

  November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and while I think we’re all pretty aware of what diabetes is, what you need to know is that it’s spiraling out of control in the US (and many other countries). According to the CDC, as of 2017 over 100 million Americans (that’s nearly one out of three of us) has diabetes or pre-diabetes (elevated blood glucose).  Between 1990 and 2013, US diabetes rates skyrocketed by an incredible 71...

Nov 08, 2019 0 comments

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Does meat eating cause diabetes?

Does meat eating cause diabetes?

Here we go again. I’ve just been reminded that sensationalism is still alive and well.
Another “study” has come out that trumpets a BOLD statement about diet and health, but when you dive deeper into the details, you see there are several holes and omissions.
This time it’s about meat eating and Type 2 diabetes.
Nov 02, 2018 3 comments

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Diabetes now linked to these chronic conditions

Diabetes now linked to these chronic conditions

Currently in the US about 30 million people have diabetes, with the majority of those cases (90 – 95 percent) being type 2.

In addition, it is estimated that another 80 million have “pre-diabetes”--elevated blood glucose. 

And as the number of diabetes cases continues to rise, scientists are spending more time investigating its relationship to other conditions.

For example, past studies have shown that people with diabetes are more likely to report muscle or joint pain than nondiabetics.

But the latest study out of Denmark is more specific…and worrisome.

Oct 12, 2018 8 comments

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This epidemic is exploding—are you next?

This epidemic is exploding—are you next?

Currently, about 31 million Americans have diabetes, and another 84 million have elevated blood sugar levels (prediabetes).

In addition, our diabetes rates have continued to explode over the last few decades.

Between 1990 and 2013, US diabetes rates skyrocketed by a whopping 71 percent!
Now the begging question here is: What’s going on?

Sep 07, 2018 2 comments

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Diabetics: Beware of this scary health issue

Diabetics: Beware of this scary health issue

It’s no secret that we have a Type 2 diabetes EPIDEMIC. Rates of diabetes in adults have doubled in the past 20 years!  Currently about 30 million people have diabetes, and by 2030 that number is expected to be over 50 million.  But diabetes isn’t just a blood sugar problem! Instead it comes with a LONG wake of serious complications.
Jul 03, 2018 4 comments

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Could you have diabetes in the making?

Could you have diabetes in the making?

Contrary to popular belief, rarely does a person wake up one day and POOF! they suddenly get struck with a disease that comes out of nowhere.  Even though learning that you have a disease can be shocking, trust me, it’s no surprise to your body.  Disease is created over time, step by step, as long as you continue to provide the right conditions for it to flourish.  And nowhere is this truer than with Type 2 diabetes

Jun 22, 2018 10 comments

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