The epidemic no one is talking about
I recently went to my 40th high school reunion, and one of the most “telling” moments of the event was looking at our yearbook and seeing how drastically everyone had changed. It’s one thing to see someone every day and not notice subtle changes over the years, but it’s quite another to look at 40 years ago versus now—it hits you like a ton of bricks! Well, the same can be said for a...

Are you still using these poisons?
Arguably one of the greatest frauds committed by the food industry against the human race is the creation of artificial sweeteners. I say that because at no other time in our history have we encountered such deadly poisons being willingly consumed by the masses…while our “regulators” (the FDA) have apparently ignored the mounding evidence of their health dangers and have declared them “safe for the general population.” And the marketing angles are perfect! These...

One of the biggest threats to our existence
You probably know this about me already, but I’m a people watcher. Not in a weird way, but in a professional/educational way. I watch people’s food choices in restaurants, grocery stores and (most recently since I just flew home from Florida yesterday) airports and look for any obvious physical issues. I’m not judging—rather, as a nutrition coach, it’s important for me to see first-hand what people are eating and how it may affect them! ...

A blatantly ignored cause of disease and death
Despite what you may read on most pharmaceutical company-sponsored “health” websites and even what your doctor may tell you, disease doesn’t just pop out of nowhere and bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. Disease is not normal, it is not a reflection of your body needing some drug, it’s not something you should expect as you age, and it is not some mysterious phenomenon that nobody can explain and for which you have...

Another deadly drug warning! When will it end?
Here we go again. Yet ANOTHER prescription drug has been recalled because it contains “unacceptably high” levels of a human carcinogen, N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). (I wonder what an “acceptably high” level of a carcinogen would be, but I digress…) This time it’s Metformin, the very popular Type 2 diabetes drug. This situation may sound familiar to you, and you would be right. Just earlier this year the blockbuster acid reflux drug Zantac was recalled for...

A COVID-19 risk factor you can avoid
One of the biggest factors that has emerged that exponentially increases someone’s risk of complications from COVID-19 is the presence of diabetes. It should be no surprise. Diabetes impairs your body’s functioning from head to toe, and has a very long resume of the health problems it causes or worsens. COVID-19 is just another checkmark on the list. But the glimmer of hope here is that in many cases of diabetes are very PREVENTABLE! ...