Rates of this condition have skyrocketed since COVID
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and that topic brings back vivid memories about my father from my childhood. You see, in addition to dying of a massive heart attack at age 58 (when I was 15), my Dad was also an alcoholic. I didn’t understand as a kid what may have been the driving force behind his drinking—all I knew was that I couldn’t have friends over because I was too embarrassed,...

Surprising causes (and real answers!) for depression
Depression affects nearly 350 million people worldwide, and those numbers have continued to rise over the last several decades. As a matter of fact, depression is now the #1 leading cause of disability, replacing chronic back pain and arthritis. Recently, it’s gotten even worse—during the COVID-19 lockdowns it was estimated that US cases of depression nearly tripled! Depression is very difficult to treat because it’s not a “cut-and-dry” illness…and sadly that means many people...
- Tags: Depression, Digestive Health, Mental Health, Thyroid

How to beat the holiday blues
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us (and I hope yours was happy!), it’s full steam ahead to Christmas, New Year’s, Hanukkah or whatever holiday you may celebrate! For many of us, that means trimming a tree, lighting the menorah, baking, shopping, wrapping gifts, cooking galore, and if you’re like me, hanging lights on your trees and shrubs. This is good for a laugh--here’s a picture of me hanging lights on my pine trees that are getting enormously taller each year! Good thing I invested in an extension pole...

A very serious consequence of lockdowns
Now that communities are beginning to open back up following the COVID-19 mitigation measures, jokes and memes about the “COVID-15” (weight gain resulting from the lockdowns) are flooding social media. While gaining weight in most instances is not the best thing for your health, there is an arguably far more serious consequence of our recent forced quarantines and the social and economic devastation that has resulted. Depression! Even people who were never prone to...

Enjoy the holidays—without feeling sick or depressed!
The holidays are upon us! And while they should be the “most wonderful time of the year”--a festive time to share with family and friends--sadly, for many people they are instead filled with sickness or depression (or both). But there are some very good reasons why that happens. First, the holidays bring about stress for a lot of people. Stress can cause a domino effect of physical and mental issues which can quickly turn a...

Depressed? Can’t sleep? Gaining weight? This may be why
If you slam your thumb with a hammer, there’s a pretty clear connection between that and the throbbing you feel. If you cut your finger on broken glass, the cause and effect is obvious. Or if you’re like I was as a kid and slide down your icy driveway, fall and slam your arm on the ground, you won’t be surprised to wear a cast for 8 weeks. But there are other issues where...
- Tags: Depression, Healthy Living, Hormones, Sleep, Weight Management