This is either your path to great health…or an early grave
I’ve got a little story to tell you today. Someone very dear to me was diagnosed with breast cancer about 5 years ago and after her doctor explained the surgery and chemotherapy process, she asked if we had any questions. I asked, “Why do you think she got the breast cancer to begin with?” You should have seen the doe in the headlights look that I got! “Well, we don’t know what causes cancer,”...

Cases of this disease are exploding—but no one’s talking about it
I think it’s fair to say that we should be able to expect the CDC to be rather thorough in its reporting of disease information. After all, the “Centers For Disease Control and Prevention” implies that they actually have reliable statistics to help control and prevent disease. Well, I beg to differ. Because there is a huge omission in the CDC’s disease statistics as they pertain to deaths and mortality, based on my recent...

A little-known cause of numerous health problems
In case you haven’t noticed, I am dedicated to helping people achieve better health in natural ways. But that doesn’t mean I’ve always been the picture of health myself. Quite the opposite, actually! But I consider my own ill health of the past to be “serendipitous” because it prepped me VERY well to be able to help YOU! Here’s what I mean—let me walk you through my “sickness puzzle” from my early 20s because...

Promising hope for Parkinson’s disease & prevention
Although the rates of all forms of autoimmune disease continue to rise, one in particular that is experiencing explosive growth is Parkinson’s disease (PD). Second only to Alzheimer’s at this point in the neurological disease category, about 10 million people worldwide and one million Americans suffer from PD. But those numbers may be grossly understated because many people don’t get diagnosed in the early stages of the disease. In addition, proper diagnosis can be muddied...

Rates of this disease are exploding—but no one’s talking about it!
I just did a search on the CDC’s website for disease statistics and noticed a huge gaping hole in their disease statistic reporting. As you would expect, heart disease continues to claim its top spot on the mortality chart, with about 650,000 deaths in 2017 (the most recent data year). Cancer remains number two, with 600,000 deaths. The list continues with accidents at 170,000 and lower respiratory diseases causing 160,000 deaths. But there is another...

A rising cause of obesity, autoimmune disease & more
It shouldn’t be this way, but as a nation we have seriously screwed up something that should be relatively straightforward. FOOD! Food simply isn’t food anymore. Plus, one day you can read a study that says a certain food is bad, and the next day another study that says it’s healthy! So naturally people don’t know what to eat anymore, and when they ask me for advice, the simplest way I can put it...