Is Chocolate a Health Food?


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Is Chocolate a Health Food?

Jan 27, 2025 1 comment
Is Chocolate a Health Food?


I don’t think there’s any food in existence that is more universally loved and desired than chocolate.

Now, many people hesitate to indulge in chocolate because they know it can pack the pounds on you.

Well, here’s the thing—when you have a regular diet of wholesome real foods (and stay away from junk and fast foods), you CAN enjoy an occasional treat like chocolate and not pay the price!

Plus strict avoidance of any food is only going to increase your craving and desire for it! So for instance, if you want to lose weight and “swear off chocolate forever,” trust me, you will even dream about chocolate and when you do break down and have some, you will probably eat way too much.

A healthy diet and occasional treats in moderation is the way to go, my friend.

And chocolate is one of the best choices because---it can even be healthy!

Here’s how.

Can chocolate be healthy? Yes!

Chocolate contains powerful antioxidants, the most significant of which is a flavanol called epicatechin. Flavanols are plant compounds that fight inflammation and protect against cell damage caused by free radicals.

There is a catch, however—the chocolate has to be dark. Dark chocolate is typically rich in epicatechin, and the higher the cocoa content the better.

Not so for milk chocolate which contains far less cocoa than dark, and white chocolate which contains absolutely none. 

Here are some ways that chocolate’s epicatechin and other antioxidants enhance your health:

Improved exercise endurance

Epicatechin prompts cells that line your blood vessels to release extra nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps widen your veins and arteries (vasodilation) which in turn improves blood flow and cardiac function—both factors that are crucial to physical activity.

Nitric oxide also triggers your muscle cells to absorb more blood sugar (providing them with more energy) and promotes the passage of needed oxygen into your cells.

Improved brain function

Studies have shown that cocoa flavanols may help reduce cognitive decline as people age. Researchers believe this is because flavanols improve blood flow to the brain.

In one study, researchers gave drinks with cocoa flavanols to two groups of adults—one group received about 681 mg of flavanols and the other only 4 mg. The group that received the higher flavanol count scored higher on cognitive tests and correctly solved problems quicker. 

In addition, dark chocolate flavanols help support better reaction time, visual-spatial awareness and stronger memory. 

Reduced harmful effects of stress

Research has shown that people who eat dark chocolate report feeling less stressed and it’s not just all in their heads--researchers confirmed that the chocolate eaters had reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol. 

Chronically elevated levels of cortisol can lead to depressed immune function, low thyroid function and problems with blood sugar control (increasing your risk of Type 2 diabetes), among other things.

Supports heart health

The antioxidants in dark chocolate have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of clotting and increase blood circulation to the heart, thus lowering the risks of stroke, coronary heart disease and death from heart disease.

Prevents diabetes

In addition to being associated with lower cortisol levels (and therefore a reduced risk of diabetes like I mentioned above), epicatechin helps the body’s cells to use insulin better, which helps prevent or combat Type 2 diabetes.

Immune support

Dark chocolate is also known as a prebiotic food. Prebiotics are nourishment for your probiotics—your population of friendly gut inhabitants.

Keeping your microbiome healthy and nourished is crucial because 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut—so the healthier your gut population is, the stronger your immune function will be.

Remember that your immune system doesn’t just protect you against bugs and viruses—it also fights cancer!

How to have a positive relationship with chocolate

The lesson for today is that you CAN have a positive relationship with chocolate!

Just remember to have an overall healthy diet, enjoy chocolate as an occasional treat, and make sure it’s dark!

Now, if weight loss is your goal, I can help you with that too!

My Want to Lose Weight? Stop Dieting! program shows you how to enjoy delicious, nutritious foods that you will love, as well as how to improve your digestion, overcome barriers to your weight loss success, and even helps you choose an exercise activity that is right for you.

So, if you’ve been slacking on those New Year’s weight loss resolutions, this can help get you back on track.

And the recipe book is loaded with scrumptious recipes, including some desserts!

Here is a sample of one of the recipes—a chocolate dessert that’s easy to make and downright delicious. Most of you know or have spoken to my daughter Danielle in her role as VP here at Holistic Blends, and this is what she asks for every year on her birthday for dessert.

Chocolate Grand Marnier Mousse

Serves: 6

7 oz. Semi-sweet chocolate 
6 large eggs, separated 
1/4 cup Grand Marnier

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water. Once melted, remove chocolate from water and set aside to cool to room temperature.

Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form.

Beat the egg yolks into the melted chocolate, then stir in the Grand Marnier.

Carefully fold in the whisked egg whites. Pour into 6 custard dishes and let chill for 3 hours before serving.


To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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1 comment

  • Can I make this recipes with something non-alcoholic?

    Paul McDonald on

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