4 ways to slow or stop hair loss


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4 ways to slow or stop hair loss

Sep 14, 2017 8 comments
4 ways to slow or stop hair loss

Thinning hair or baldness has long been the subject of many jokes. 

But the fact is, hair loss can be a shattering blow to someone's sense of self-esteem and well-being...so it's anything BUT funny for many people.

Although you typically see more products and services to address this issue in men, hair loss affects both men and women.

Let's look at exactly what causes hair loss and what natural measures can be taken to slow the process or in some cases even stop it!

Men--"Egg in the Nest" syndrome

Hair growth is largely controlled by hormones, especially the androgens like testosterone. 

The typical "egg in the nest" or male-pattern baldness starts with hair loss at the temples followed by further loss across the top of the head, and is the result of genetics.

For decades, the man's hair grows normally, responding to the signals from testosterone in the hair follicles.

But then a gene that has been "sleeping" gets awakened and changes the way the hair follicles respond to the testosterone.  The growth cycle shortens, and eventually hairs don't grow long enough to emerge from the skin before they fall out.

The higher a man's testosterone level is, the greater the risk of baldness.

Women--"Scattered loss"

Women too suffer from hormone-related hair loss.  About 1 out of 3 women over age 50 are affected by this type of hair loss to some degree.

With women, the hair loss is more widespread and scattered around the scalp, so it may be less noticeable than male baldness. 

Universal causes of hair loss

Besides hormones and genetics, here are four other common causes of hair loss in both men and women:

1) Drug-induced hair loss

These types of drugs can cause or contribute to hair loss:

  • Antibiotics--such as Gentamicin, chloramphenicol
  • Anticoagulants--including Coumadin and heparin
  • Antidepressants--examples are Prozac, desipramine, lithium
  • Antiepileptics--such as Valproic acid, Dilantin
  • Cardiovascular drugs--including ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers
  • Chemotherapy drugs--like Adriamycin, vincristine, etoposide
  • Endocrine drugs--examples include Bromocriptine, Clomid, danazol
  • Gout medications--such as Colchicine, allopurinol
  • Lipid-lowering drugs--like Gemfibrozil, fenofibrate
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)--including Ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen
  • Ulcer medications--such as Tagamet, Zantac

2) Nutritional deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can cause hair loss, especially zinc, vitamin A and essential fatty acids.

3) Hypothyroidism

Hair loss is one of the classic signs of hypothyroidism (low functioning thyroid), especially in women. 

Approximately 20 million Americans have a thyroid condition, and women are 5 to 8 times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.

4) Gluten intolerance

When a person is intolerant to gluten, their immune system has made antibodies to it.  This is what causes the typical reactions when the person eats even a tiny crumb of bread.

These gluten-attacking antibodies also trigger production of cross-reacting antibodies that can attack the hair follicles, causing patches of hair to fall out.

Protect your locks!

If you are suffering from hair loss, it's important to look at ALL the possible factors behind it, and take whatever natural measures you can to S-L-O-W it down or in some cases, even stop it.

Here are some great suggestions:

1- Consider alternatives to medications

If you are on any of the hair-loss inducing drugs I mentioned above (or something similar) and are experiencing hair loss, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

Or better yet, ask if there are natural approaches that you can explore. 

For example, one very effective natural answer instead of NSAIDS for pain and inflammation is fish oil supplements like VitalMega-3.

Volumes of studies have shown fish oil to be very helpful with pain and inflammation, as well as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and memory problems!

2- Eat this, not that

Eating wholesome real foods, including fruits, vegetables, meats and healthy fats is essential to help address any nutritional deficiencies. 

But just as important is having thorough digestion—because without it, your body won’t be able to absorb those precious nutrients. 

To help pave the way for sound digestion, keep your meals simple (avoiding the protein-starch combination) and take a top-notch probiotic supplement like Super Shield

Having a healthy gut microbiome is essential to proper nutrient absorption, and Super Shield’s 13 strains of beneficial bacteria can help keep yours in tip-top shape.

On the flip side, avoid processed foods, sugars and soda—these are all inflammatory foods that can worsen hair loss.

3- Get tested

If you suspect hypothyroidism or gluten intolerance may be an issue for you, see your doctor for tests.

The best test for thyroid function is the TRH challenge test (also known as the TRH Stimulation test).

If your doctor is not familiar with the TRH challenge test, ask him run the following tests to give a complete picture of thyroid function: 

  • Total T4 and T3
  • Free T4 and T3
  • T3 Uptake
  • Reverse T3
  • Thyroid Antibodies
  • TSH

As far as gluten intolerance goes, the typical test for celiac disease will not necessarily detect gluten intolerance.  So you may be negative for celiac, yet have undiagnosed gluten intolerance.

Gluten intolerance is usually diagnosed when a stool test is positive for antigliadin IgA antibodies (AGA)—make sure you are getting this test.

And if you do have gluten issues, my Great Taste No Gluten system can help guide you in removing hidden gluten from your life, as well as give you a collection of mouth-watering gluten free recipes.

4- Try rosemary essential oil

Rosemary is one of the best essential oils when it comes to enhancing hair thickness and growth. It is believed that rosemary oil helps increase cellular metabolism that in turn stimulates hair growth.

Check out our collection of Mooseberry essential oils, including rosemary!

Get going and help preserve your beautiful hair now!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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